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Algorithmic skeletons: structured management of parallel computationMarch 1991
  • MIT Press
  • 55 Hayward St.
  • Cambridge
  • MA
  • United States
Published:01 March 1991
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  1. Tonci N, Rivault S, Bamha M, Robert S, Limet S and Torquati M (2024). LSH SimilarityJoin Pattern in FastFlow, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 52:3, (207-230), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2024.
  2. ACM
    Schmitz A, Miller J, Burak S and Müller M Parallel Pattern Language Code Generation Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores, (32-41)
  3. ACM
    Gonnord L, Henrio L, Morel L and Radanne G (2023). A Survey on Parallelism and Determinism, ACM Computing Surveys, 55:10, (1-28), Online publication date: 31-Oct-2023.
  4. Loulergue F and Ed-Dbali A Verified High Performance Computing: The SyDPaCC Approach Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, (15-29)
  5. ACM
    Loulergue F and Philippe J Towards Verified Scalable Parallel Computing with Coq and Spark Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs, (11-17)
  6. Herrmann N and Kuchen H (2023). Distributed Calculations with Algorithmic Skeletons for Heterogeneous Computing Environments, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 51:2-3, (172-185), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2023.
  7. Ernstsson A, Griebler D and Kessler C (2023). Assessing Application Efficiency and Performance Portability in Single-Source Programming for Heterogeneous Parallel Systems, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 51:1, (61-82), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2023.
  8. Löff J, Hoffmann R, Pieper R, Griebler D and Fernandes L (2022). DSParLib: A C++ Template Library for Distributed Stream Parallelism, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 50:5-6, (454-485), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2022.
  9. Herrmann N, de Melo Menezes B and Kuchen H (2022). Stencil Calculations with Algorithmic Skeletons for Heterogeneous Computing Environments, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 50:5-6, (433-453), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2022.
  10. Ernstsson A, Vandenbergen N, Keller J and Kessler C (2022). A Deterministic Portable Parallel Pseudo-Random Number Generator for Pattern-Based Programming of Heterogeneous Parallel Systems, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 50:3-4, (319-340), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2022.
  11. ACM
    Metzger P, Seeker V, Fensch C and Cole M (2021). Device Hopping, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 18:4, (1-25), Online publication date: 31-Dec-2022.
  12. Martínez M, Fraguela B and Cabaleiro J (2021). A Parallel Skeleton for Divide-and-conquer Unbalanced and Deep Problems, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 49:6, (820-845), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2021.
  13. Ernstsson A, Ahlqvist J, Zouzoula S and Kessler C (2021). SkePU 3: Portable High-Level Programming of Heterogeneous Systems and HPC Clusters, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 49:6, (846-866), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2021.
  14. Wang F, Sun G and Luo G SSR: A Skeleton-based Synthesis Flow for Hybrid Processing-in-RRAM Modes 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), (1-9)
  15. Kehrer S, Zietlow D, Scheffold J and Blochinger W (2020). Self-tuning serverless task farming using proactive elasticity control, Cluster Computing, 24:2, (799-817), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2021.
  16. Wrede F, Rieger C and Kuchen H (2019). Generation of high-performance code based on a domain-specific language for algorithmic skeletons, The Journal of Supercomputing, 76:7, (5098-5116), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2020.
  17. Öhberg T, Ernstsson A and Kessler C (2019). Hybrid CPU–GPU execution support in the skeleton programming framework SkePU, The Journal of Supercomputing, 76:7, (5038-5056), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2020.
  18. Niculescu V and Loulergue F (2019). Transforming powerlist-based divide-and-conquer programs for an improved execution model, The Journal of Supercomputing, 76:7, (5016-5037), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2020.
  19. Loulergue F and Philippe J Automatic Optimization of Python Skeletal Parallel Programs Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, (183-197)
  20. ACM
    Broman D A vision of miking: interactive programmatic modeling, sound language composition, and self-learning compilation Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, (55-60)
  21. ACM
    Pieper R, Griebler D and Fernandes L Structured Stream Parallelism for Rust Proceedings of the XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, (54-61)
  22. Di Martino B, Esposito A, D'Angelo S, Maisto S and Nacchia S (2019). A Compiler for Agnostic Programming and Deployment of Big Data Analytics on Multiple Platforms, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 30:9, (1920-1931), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2019.
  23. ACM
    Morihata A (2019). Lambda calculus with algebraic simplification for reduction parallelization by equational reasoning, Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 3:ICFP, (1-25), Online publication date: 26-Jul-2019.
  24. ACM
    Philippe J and Loulergue F Parallel programming with Coq Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, (1578-1581)
  25. ACM
    Rieger C, Wrede F and Kuchen H Musket Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, (1534-1543)
  26. Wrede F, Menezes B and Kuchen H (2019). Fish School Search with Algorithmic Skeletons, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 47:2, (234-252), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2019.
  27. Griebler D, Hoffmann R, Danelutto M and Fernandes L (2019). High-Level and Productive Stream Parallelism for Dedup, Ferret, and Bzip2, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 47:2, (253-271), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2019.
  28. Pérez G and Yovine S (2019). Formal specification and implementation of an automated pattern-based parallel-code generation framework, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 21:2, (183-202), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2019.
  29. Hosseini Rad M, Patooghy A and Fazeli M (2018). An Efficient Programming Skeleton for Clusters of Multi-Core Processors, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 46:6, (1094-1109), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2018.
  30. Nerzic P, Jaudoin H and Pivert O (2018). Parallel Processing Strategies for Skyline Queries Tolerant to Outliers, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 33:10, (1992-2018), Online publication date: 3-Aug-2018.
  31. Boehm M, Reinwald B, Hutchison D, Sen P, Evfimievski A and Pansare N (2018). On optimizing operator fusion plans for large-scale machine learning in systemML, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 11:12, (1755-1768), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2018.
  32. ACM
    Stewart R, Duncan K, Michaelson G, Garcia P, Bhowmik D and Wallace A (2018). RIPL, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, 11:1, (1-24), Online publication date: 31-Mar-2018.
  33. ACM
    von Koch T, Manilov S, Vasiladiotis C, Cole M and Franke B Towards a compiler analysis for parallel algorithmic skeletons Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Compiler Construction, (174-184)
  34. (2018). Automatically deriving cost models for structured parallel processes using hylomorphisms, Future Generation Computer Systems, 79:P2, (653-668), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2018.
  35. Cao D, Kang L, Zhan H and Mei H (2017). Towards application-level elasticity on shared cluster, Frontiers of Computer Science: Selected Publications from Chinese Universities, 11:5, (803-820), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2017.
  36. Hukerikar and Engelmann (2017). Resilience Design Patterns, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations: an International Journal, 4:3, (4-42), Online publication date: 15-Sep-2017.
  37. González C and Fraguela B (2017). A general and efficient divide-and-conquer algorithm framework for multi-core clusters, Cluster Computing, 20:3, (2605-2626), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2017.
  38. ACM
    Tóth M, Bozó I and Kozsik T Pattern Candidate Discovery and Parallelization Techniques Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on the Implementation and Application of Functional Programming Languages, (1-26)
  39. ACM
    Archibald B, Maier P, Stewart R, Trinder P and De Beule J Towards Generic Scalable Parallel Combinatorial Search Proceedings of the International Workshop on Parallel Symbolic Computation, (1-10)
  40. ACM
    Yu J, Hogervorst T and Nane R A Domain-Specific Language and Compiler for Computation-in-Memory Skeletons Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2017, (71-76)
  41. ACM
    Wrede F and von Hof V Enabling efficient use of algorithmic skeletons in cloud environments Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, (1593-1596)
  42. Steuwer M, Remmelg T and Dubach C Lift: a functional data-parallel IR for high-performance GPU code generation Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, (74-85)
  43. ACM
    Auras-Rodríguez M, Zimmermann A, Ascheid G and Leupers R Using PEGs for Automatic Extraction of Memory Access Descriptions to Support Data-Parallel Pattern Recognition Proceedings of the 8th Workshop and 6th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures and Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms, (13-18)
  44. de Carvalho Junior F, Rezende C, de Carvalho Silva J, Guimarães Al-Alam W and Uchoa de Alencar J (2016). Contextual abstraction in a type system for component-based high performance computing platforms, Science of Computer Programming, 132:P1, (96-128), Online publication date: 15-Dec-2016.
  45. ACM
    Bonetta D, Salucci L, Marr S and Binder W (2016). GEMs: shared-memory parallel programming for Node.js, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 51:10, (531-547), Online publication date: 5-Dec-2016.
  46. ACM
    Castro D, Hammond K and Sarkar S (2016). Farms, pipes, streams and reforestation: reasoning about structured parallel processes using types and hylomorphisms, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 51:9, (4-17), Online publication date: 5-Dec-2016.
  47. Wienke S, Miller J, Schulz M and Müller M Development effort estimation in HPC Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, (1-12)
  48. ACM
    Danelutto M, De Matteis T, Mencagli G and Torquati M A divide-and-conquer parallel pattern implementation for multicores Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel Systems, (10-19)
  49. ACM
    Bonetta D, Salucci L, Marr S and Binder W GEMs: shared-memory parallel programming for Node.js Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, (531-547)
  50. Behrends R, Hammond K, Janjic V, Konovalov A, Linton S, Loidl H, Maier P and Trinder P (2016). HPC-GAP, Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 28:13, (3606-3636), Online publication date: 10-Sep-2016.
  51. ACM
    Maier P, Morton J and Trinder P JIT costing adaptive skeletons for performance portability Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing, (23-30)
  52. ACM
    Castro D, Hammond K and Sarkar S Farms, pipes, streams and reforestation: reasoning about structured parallel processes using types and hylomorphisms Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, (4-17)
  53. Sato S and Matsuzaki K (2016). A Generic Implementation of Tree Skeletons, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 44:3, (686-707), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  54. Aubrey-Jones T and Fischer B (2016). Synthesizing MPI Implementations from Functional Data-Parallel Programs, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 44:3, (552-573), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  55. Dastgeer U and Kessler C (2016). Smart Containers and Skeleton Programming for GPU-Based Systems, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 44:3, (506-530), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  56. Tran Tan A, Falcou J, Etiemble D and Kaiser H (2016). Automatic Task-Based Code Generation for High Performance Domain Specific Embedded Language, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 44:3, (449-465), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  57. Wang Y and Li Z (2016). GridFOR, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 44:3, (427-448), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  58. ACM
    del Rio Astorga D, Dolz M, Sanchez L and García J Discovering Pipeline Parallel Patterns in Sequential Legacy C++ Codes Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores, (11-19)
  59. Zhang W, Cheng A and Subhlok J (2016). DwarfCode: A Performance Prediction Tool for Parallel Applications, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65:2, (495-507), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2016.
  60. ACM
    McDonell T, Chakravarty M, Grover V and Newton R (2015). Type-safe runtime code generation: accelerate to LLVM, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 50:12, (201-212), Online publication date: 28-Jan-2016.
  61. ACM
    Steuwer M, Fensch C, Lindley S and Dubach C (2015). Generating performance portable code using rewrite rules: from high-level functional expressions to high-performance OpenCL code, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 50:9, (205-217), Online publication date: 18-Dec-2015.
  62. McDonagh S, Beyan C, Huang P and Fisher R (2015). Applying semi-synchronised task farming to large-scale computer vision problems, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 29:4, (437-460), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2015.
  63. ACM
    Fumero J, Remmelg T, Steuwer M and Dubach C Runtime Code Generation and Data Management for Heterogeneous Computing in Java Proceedings of the Principles and Practices of Programming on The Java Platform, (16-26)
  64. ACM
    McDonell T, Chakravarty M, Grover V and Newton R Type-safe runtime code generation: accelerate to LLVM Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Haskell, (201-212)
  65. ACM
    Steuwer M, Fensch C, Lindley S and Dubach C Generating performance portable code using rewrite rules: from high-level functional expressions to high-performance OpenCL code Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, (205-217)
  66. ACM
    Zandifar M, Abdul Jabbar M, Majidi A, Keyes D, Amato N and Rauchwerger L Composing Algorithmic Skeletons to Express High-Performance Scientific Applications Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing, (415-424)
  67. Barbieri D, Cardellini V and Filippone S SIMPL Proceedings of the 2015 International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing in Science, (38-45)
  68. Hammond K, Brown C and Sarkar S Timing Properties and Correctness for Structured Parallel Programs on x86-64 Multicores 4th International Workshop on Foundational and Practical Aspects of Resource Analysis - Volume 9964, (101-125)
  69. Fernando S, Wijtvliet M, Nugteren C, Kumar A and Corporaal H (AS)2 Proceedings of the 2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, (305-308)
  70. ACM
    Nugteren C and Corporaal H (2014). Bones, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 11:4, (1-25), Online publication date: 9-Jan-2015.
  71. Estérie P, Falcou J, Gaunard M, Lapresté J and Lacassagne L (2014). The numerical template toolbox, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74:12, (3240-3253), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2014.
  72. ACM
    Liu C, Zhang J, Zhou H, McDirmid S, Guo Z and Moscibroda T Automating Distributed Partial Aggregation Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, (1-12)
  73. ACM
    Duke D, Hosseini F and Carr H Parallel computation of multifield topology Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Functional high-performance computing, (11-21)
  74. ACM
    Totoo P and Loidl H Lazy data-oriented evaluation strategies Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Functional high-performance computing, (63-74)
  75. ACM
    Bozó I, Fordós V, Horvath Z, Tóth M, Horpácsi D, Kozsik T, Köszegi J, Barwell A, Brown C and Hammond K Discovering parallel pattern candidates in Erlang Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Erlang, (13-23)
  76. Khammassi N and Le Lann J A high-level programming model to ease pipeline parallelism expression on shared memory multicore architectures Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Symposium, (1-8)
  77. Totoo P and Loidl H (2014). Parallel Haskell implementations of the N-body problem, Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 26:4, (987-1019), Online publication date: 25-Mar-2014.
  78. Loidl H and Singer J (2014). SICSA multicore challenge editorial preface, Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 26:4, (929-934), Online publication date: 25-Mar-2014.
  79. Goli M and González-Vélez H (2014). N-body computations using skeletal frameworks on multicore CPU/graphics processing unit architectures, Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 26:4, (972-986), Online publication date: 25-Mar-2014.
  80. ACM
    Loulergue F, Robillard S, Tesson J, Legaux J and Hu Z Formal derivation and extraction of a parallel program for the all nearest smaller values problem Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (1577-1584)
  81. ACM
    Pabón G and Henrio L Self-Configuration and Self-Optimization Autonomic Skeletons using Events Proceedings of Programming Models and Applications on Multicores and Manycores, (21-28)
  82. ACM
    Pabón G and Henrio L Self-Configuration and Self-Optimization Autonomic Skeletons using Events Proceedings of Programming Models and Applications on Multicores and Manycores, (21-28)
  83. Clifton-Everest R, Mcdonell T, Chakravarty M and Keller G Embedding Foreign Code Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages - Volume 8324, (136-151)
  84. Jordan H, Pellegrini S, Thoman P, Kofler K and Fahringer T INSPIRE Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation techniques, (7-18)
  85. Nugteren C, Custers P and Corporaal H Automatic Skeleton-Based Compilation through Integration with an Algorithm Classification Revised Selected Papers of the 10th International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies - Volume 8299, (184-198)
  86. Dastgeer U, Li L and Kessler C Adaptive Implementation Selection in the SkePU Skeleton Programming Library Revised Selected Papers of the 10th International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies - Volume 8299, (170-183)
  87. Legaux J, Hu Z, Loulergue F, Matsuzaki K and Tesson J Programming with BSP homomorphisms Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Parallel Processing, (446-457)
  88. Nanz S, West S and da Silveira K Examining the expert gap in parallel programming Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Parallel Processing, (434-445)
  89. ACM
    Bonetta D, Binder W and Pautasso C (2013). TigerQuoll, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 48:8, (251-260), Online publication date: 23-Aug-2013.
  90. ACM
    Riché T, Gonçalves R, Marker B and Batory D (2012). Pushouts in software architecture design, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 48:3, (84-92), Online publication date: 10-Apr-2013.
  91. ACM
    Maier P, Stewart R and Trinder P Reliable scalable symbolic computation Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (1674-1681)
  92. ACM
    Bonetta D, Binder W and Pautasso C TigerQuoll Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming, (251-260)
  93. ACM
    Nugteren C, Custers P and Corporaal H (2013). Algorithmic species, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 9:4, (1-25), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
  94. ACM
    Palyart M, Ober I, Lugato D and Bruel J HPCML Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for High Performance and CLoud computing, (1-6)
  95. ACM
    Riché T, Gonçalves R, Marker B and Batory D Pushouts in software architecture design Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering, (84-92)
  96. ACM
    Totoo P, Deligiannis P and Loidl H Haskell vs. f# vs. scala Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Functional high-performance computing, (49-60)
  97. ACM
    Nelson J Co-ops Proceedings of the eleventh ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Erlang workshop, (61-62)
  98. Aldinucci M, Campa S, Kilpatrick P and Torquati M Structured data access annotations for massively parallel computations Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Parallel processing workshops, (381-390)
  99. ACM
    Joshi P, Bourges-Sévenier M, Russell K and Mo Z Graphics programming for the web ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Courses, (1-75)
  100. Lobachev O Parallel computation skeletons with premature termination property Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Functional and Logic Programming, (197-212)
  101. ACM
    Nugteren C and Corporaal H The boat hull model Proceedings of the 9th conference on Computing Frontiers, (203-212)
  102. ACM
    Nugteren C and Corporaal H Introducing 'Bones' Proceedings of the 5th Annual Workshop on General Purpose Processing with Graphics Processing Units, (1-10)
  103. ACM
    Burrows E and Haveraaen M Programmable data dependencies and placements Proceedings of the 7th workshop on Declarative aspects and applications of multicore programming, (31-40)
  104. ACM
    Marlow S, Newton R and Peyton Jones S (2011). A monad for deterministic parallelism, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 46:12, (71-82), Online publication date: 12-Jan-2012.
  105. ACM
    Marlow S, Newton R and Peyton Jones S A monad for deterministic parallelism Proceedings of the 4th ACM symposium on Haskell, (71-82)
  106. ACM
    Mu S and Morihata A Generalising and dualising the third list-homomorphism theorem Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming, (385-391)
  107. ACM
    Morihata A and Matsuzaki K Balanced trees inhabiting functional parallel programming Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming, (117-128)
  108. ACM
    Gava F, Gesbert L and Loulergue F Type system for a safe execution of parallel programs in BSML Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications, (27-34)
  109. ACM
    Armih K, Michaelson G and Trinder P Cache size in a cost model for heterogeneous skeletons Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications, (3-10)
  110. ACM
    Mu S and Morihata A (2011). Generalising and dualising the third list-homomorphism theorem, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 46:9, (385-391), Online publication date: 18-Sep-2011.
  111. ACM
    Morihata A and Matsuzaki K (2011). Balanced trees inhabiting functional parallel programming, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 46:9, (117-128), Online publication date: 18-Sep-2011.
  112. Javed N and Loulergue F Verification of a heat diffusion simulation written with orléans skeleton library Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics - Volume Part II, (91-100)
  113. Aldinucci M, Danelutto M, Kilpatrick P, Meneghin M and Torquati M Accelerating code on multi-cores with fastflow Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Parallel processing - Volume Part II, (170-181)
  114. Hammond K Why parallel functional programming matters Proceedings of the 16th Ada-Europe international conference on Reliable software technologies, (201-205)
  115. Loogen R Eden --- parallel functional programming with haskell Proceedings of the 4th Summer School conference on Central European Functional Programming School, (142-206)
  116. ACM
    Dastgeer U, Enmyren J and Kessler C Auto-tuning SkePU Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Multicore Software Engineering, (25-32)
  117. Berthold J, Filinski A, Henglein F, Larsen K, Steffensen M and Vinter B Functional high performance financial IT Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Trends in Functional Programming, (98-113)
  118. Newburn C, So B, Liu Z, McCool M, Ghuloum A, Toit S, Wang Z, Du Z, Chen Y, Wu G, Guo P, Liu Z and Zhang D Intel's Array Building Blocks Proceedings of the 9th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, (224-235)
  119. ACM
    Bonetta D and Pautasso C Towards liquid service oriented architectures Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World wide web, (337-342)
  120. ACM
    Mejía I, Südholt M and Navarro L A study of invasive composition for the evolution of a health information system Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Variability & composition, (7-11)
  121. ACM
    Mejía I Towards a proper aspect-oriented model for distributed systems Proceedings of the tenth international conference on Aspect-oriented software development companion, (83-84)
  122. ACM
    The SCIEnce project (2011). SymGrid-Par, ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, 44:3/4, (213-216), Online publication date: 28-Jan-2011.
  123. ACM
    Chakravarty M, Keller G, Lee S, McDonell T and Grover V Accelerating Haskell array codes with multicore GPUs Proceedings of the sixth workshop on Declarative aspects of multicore programming, (3-14)
  124. ACM
    Marlow S, Maier P, Loidl H, Aswad M and Trinder P (2010). Seq no more, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 45:11, (91-102), Online publication date: 17-Nov-2010.
  125. ACM
    Marlow S, Maier P, Loidl H, Aswad M and Trinder P Seq no more Proceedings of the third ACM Haskell symposium on Haskell, (91-102)
  126. ACM
    Lobachev O and Loogen R Estimating parallel performance, a skeleton-based approach Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications, (25-34)
  127. ACM
    Matsuzaki K and Emoto K Lessons from implementing the biCGStab method with SkeTo library Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications, (15-24)
  128. ACM
    Enmyren J and Kessler C SkePU Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications, (5-14)
  129. Aldinucci M, Bracciali A, Lio P, Sorathiya A and Torquati M StochKit-FF Proceedings of the 2010 conference on Parallel processing, (167-175)
  130. Leyton M, Henrio L and Piquer J Exceptions for algorithmic skeletons Proceedings of the 16th international Euro-Par conference on Parallel processing: Part II, (14-25)
  131. Ptaszek M and Malawski M ComputErl - erlang-based framework for many task computing Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Trends in functional programming, (184-197)
  132. Gesbert L, Gava F, Loulergue F and Dabrowski F (2010). Bulk synchronous parallel ML with exceptions, Future Generation Computer Systems, 26:3, (486-490), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2010.
  133. ACM
    Mou Z, Liu H and Hudak P Compress-and-conquer for optimal multicore computing Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Declarative aspects of multicore programming, (35-44)
  134. ACM
    Kambadur P, Gupta A, Ghoting A, Avron H and Lumsdaine A PFunc Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Computing Networking, Storage and Analysis, (1-11)
  135. ACM
    Yu Y, Gunda P and Isard M Distributed aggregation for data-parallel computing Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd symposium on Operating systems principles, (247-260)
  136. Matsuzaki K and Emoto K Implementing fusion-equipped parallel skeletons by expression templates Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Implementation and application of functional languages, (72-89)
  137. Berthold J, Dieterle M, Lobachev O and Loogen R Parallel FFT with Eden Skeletons Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies, (73-83)
  138. Berthold J, Dieterle M and Loogen R Implementing Parallel Google Map-Reduce in Eden Proceedings of the 15th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing, (990-1002)
  139. ACM
    Kirschenmann W, Plagne L and Vialle S Multi-target C++ implementation of parallel skeletons Proceedings of the 8th workshop on Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing, (1-10)
  140. ACM
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  153. Emoto K, Matsuzaki K, Hu Z and Takeichi M Domain-specific optimization strategy for skeleton programs Proceedings of the 13th international Euro-Par conference on Parallel Processing, (705-714)
  154. Hammond K, Al Zain A, Cooperman G, Petcu D and Trinder P SymGrid Proceedings of the 13th international Euro-Par conference on Parallel Processing, (457-466)
  155. Caromel D and Leyton M Fine tuning algorithmic skeletons Proceedings of the 13th international Euro-Par conference on Parallel Processing, (72-81)
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  162. González-Vélez H and Cole M Towards fully adaptive pipeline parallelism for heterogeneous distributed environments Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, (916-926)
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  167. Nijhuis M, Bos H and Bal H Supporting reconfigurable parallel multimedia applications Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Parallel Processing, (765-776)
  168. Priebe S Dynamic task generation and transformation within a nestable workpool skeleton Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Parallel Processing, (615-624)
  169. Emoto K, Matsuzaki K, Hu Z and Takeichi M Surrounding theorem Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Parallel Processing, (605-614)
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    Matsuzaki K, Hu Z and Takeichi M Towards automatic parallelization of tree reductions in dynamic programming Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures, (39-48)
  171. Čiegis R and Baravykaitė M Implementation of a black-box global optimization algorithm with a parallel branch and bound template Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Applied parallel computing: state of the art in scientific computing, (1115-1125)
  172. Nitsche T Coordinating computation with communication Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Coordination Models and Languages, (212-227)
  173. Yaikhom G, Cole M and Gilmore S Combining measurement and stochastic modelling to enhance scheduling decisions for a parallel mean value analysis algorithm Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Computational Science - Volume Part II, (929-936)
  174. Díaz M, Romero S, Rubio B, Soler E and Troya J Using SBASCO to solve reaction-diffusion equations in two-dimensional irregular domains Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Computational Science - Volume Part II, (912-919)
  175. Loulergue F A calculus of functional BSP programs with projection Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Parallel and distributed processing, (264-264)
  176. Akon M, Singh A, Goswami D and Li H Extensible parallel architectural skeletons Proceedings of the 12th international conference on High Performance Computing, (290-301)
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  179. de la Encina A, Rodríguez I and Rubio F Testing speculative work in a lazy/eager parallel functional language Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, (274-288)
  180. Buenabad-Chávez J, Castro-García M and Román-Alonso G Simple, list-based parallel programming with transparent load balancing Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, (920-927)
  181. Akon M, Goswami D and Li H A model for designing and implementing parallel applications using extensible architectural skeletons Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Parallel Computing Technologies, (367-380)
  182. Benoit A, Cole M, Gilmore S and Hillston J Flexible skeletal programming with eskel Proceedings of the 11th international Euro-Par conference on Parallel Processing, (761-770)
  183. de Carvalho Junior F and Lins R Using aspects for supporting procedural modules in # programming Proceedings of the 11th international Euro-Par conference on Parallel Processing, (730-739)
  184. González-Vélez H An adaptive skeletal task farm for grids Proceedings of the 11th international Euro-Par conference on Parallel Processing, (401-410)
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  189. González-Vélez H On the abstraction of message-passing communications using algorithmic skeletons Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Advanced Distributed Systems, (43-50)
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  195. Martínez R and Peña R Building an interface between eden and maple Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Implementation of Functional Languages, (135-151)
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  198. Loulergue F Parallel superposition for bulk synchronous parallel ML Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Computational science: PartIII, (223-232)
  199. Rubio F and Rodríguez I A parallel framework for computational science Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Computational science: PartII, (1002-1011)
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  211. Danelutto M and Teti P Lithium Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science-Part II, (844-853)
  212. Vazhkudai S, Schopf J and Foster I Predicting the Performance of Wide Area Data Transfers Proceedings of the 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
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  215. Cook A, Ireland A and Michaelson G Higher Order Function Synthesis Through Proof Planning Proceedings of the 16th IEEE international conference on Automated software engineering
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    Peña R and Rubio F Parallel functional programming at two levels of abstraction Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Principles and practice of declarative programming, (187-198)
  217. Vazhenin A and Mirenkov N (2001). Visual Programming System VIM, Programming and Computing Software, 27:4, (217-226), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2001.
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