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Interpreting semantic relations in noun compounds via verb semantics

Published: 17 July 2006 Publication History


We propose a novel method for automatically interpreting compound nouns based on a predefined set of semantic relations. First we map verb tokens in sentential contexts to a fixed set of seed verbs using WordNet::Similarity and Moby's Thesaurus. We then match the sentences with semantic relations based on the semantics of the seed verbs and grammatical roles of the head noun and modifier. Based on the semantics of the matched sentences, we then build a classifier using TiMBL. The performance of our final system at interpreting NCs is 52.6%.


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  1. Interpreting semantic relations in noun compounds via verb semantics



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      Published In

      cover image DL Hosted proceedings
      COLING-ACL '06: Proceedings of the COLING/ACL on Main conference poster sessions
      July 2006
      992 pages


      Association for Computational Linguistics

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 17 July 2006


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      COLING-ACL '06 Paper Acceptance Rate 126 of 126 submissions, 100%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 1,537 of 1,537 submissions, 100%


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