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Cited By
- Al-Sharif Z, Jararweh Y, Al-Dahoud A and Alawneh L (2017). ACCRS, Cluster Computing, 20:3, (2479-2488), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2017.
- Cong Vinh P (2016). Algebraically Autonomic Computing, Mobile Networks and Applications, 21:1, (3-9), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2016.
- Beaumont O and Marchal L Analysis of dynamic scheduling strategies for matrix multiplication on heterogeneous platforms Proceedings of the 23rd international symposium on High-performance parallel and distributed computing, (141-152)
- Pereira I and Madureira A (2013). Self-Optimization module for Scheduling using Case-based Reasoning, Applied Soft Computing, 13:3, (1419-1432), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2013.
- Vinh P Formal agent-oriented ubiquitous computing Proceedings of the 4th Asian conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems - Volume Part II, (498-508)
- Phan C Data intensive distributed computing in data aware self-organizing networks Transactions on Computational Science XV, (74-107)
- Mokhov S, Vassev E, Paquet J and Debbabi M Towards a self-forensics property in the ASSL toolset Proceedings of the Third C* Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, (108-113)
- Chopra I and Singh M Agent based self-healing system for grid computing Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, (31-35)
- Salehie M and Tahvildari L (2009). Self-adaptive software, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS), 4:2, (1-42), Online publication date: 1-May-2009.
- Zhao Y, Tan Y, Gong Z, Gu X and Wamboldt M Self-correlating predictive information tracking for large-scale production systems Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Autonomic computing, (33-42)
- Nascimento A, Sena A, Boeres C and Rebello V On the Feasibility of Dynamically Scheduling DAG Applications on Shared Heterogeneous Systems Proceedings of the 15th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing, (191-202)
- Jha S, Parashar M and Rana O Self-adaptive architectures for autonomic computational science Proceedings of the First international conference on Self-organizing architectures, (177-197)
- Calinescu R and Kwiatkowska M Using quantitative analysis to implement autonomic IT systems Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, (100-110)
- Calinescu R Methodology for the model-driven development of self-managing systems Proceedings of the 5th conference on Computing frontiers, (115-116)
- and T and Julien C Automated routing protocol selection in mobile ad hoc networks Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (906-913)
- Salehie M and Tahvildari L Autonomic computing Proceedings of the 2005 workshop on Design and evolution of autonomic application software, (1-7)
- Salehie M and Tahvildari L (2005). Autonomic computing, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 30:4, (1-7), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
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Towards autonomic computing: a new self-management method
AICI'11: Proceedings of the Third international conference on Artificial intelligence and computational intelligence - Volume Part IAutonomic computing is a new technology which aims to hide the software complexity by means of "technologies managing technologies". The paper concludes and analysis the related concept of autonomic computing, the architecture and the working mechanisms ...
Interoperability issues affecting autonomic computing
Most autonomic systems consist of a number of components and systems. These systems require a high degree of interoperability between the constituent components and systems. We describe current research on the topic of interoperability that has ...