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Fundamentals of Database Systems (5th Edition)March 2006
  • Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
  • 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA
  • United States
Published:01 March 2006
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  1. Tian R, Qiu J, Zhao Z, Liu X and Ren B Transforming query sequences for high-throughput B+ tree processing on many-core processors Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, (96-108)
  2. Naqvi S and Shah A (2018). Modeling Historically mHealth Care Environments, International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare, 7:3, (57-75), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2018.
  3. ACM
    Tashakkori R and Andrews Z A team software process approach to database course Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Southeast Conference, (1-7)
  4. Benmammar B, Taleb M and Krief F (2017). Diffusing-CRN k-means, Wireless Networks, 23:6, (1849-1861), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2017.
  5. ACM
    Koide S, Tadokoro Y and Yoshimura T SNT-index Proceedings of the 1st International ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics, (1-8)
  6. McEwan T, Igoniderigha N and Benyon D Designing Coordinated Multiple Views of Information Space Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference on HCI 2014 - Sand, Sea and Sky - Holiday HCI, (82-89)
  7. ACM
    Artale A, Kontchakov R, Ryzhikov V and Zakharyaschev M (2014). A Cookbook for Temporal Conceptual Data Modelling with Description Logics, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 15:3, (1-50), Online publication date: 8-Jul-2014.
  8. Börger E and Schewe K Specifying Transaction Control to Serialize Concurrent Program Executions Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z - Volume 8477, (142-157)
  9. ACM
    Cagliero L, Fiori A and Grimaudo L (2014). Personalized tag recommendation based on generalized rules, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 5:1, (1-22), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2013.
  10. Schütz C, Neumayr B and Schrefl M Business model ontologies in OLAP cubes Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, (514-529)
  11. Stumptner R, Freudenthaler B and Krenn M BIAccelerator Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Foundations of Intelligent Systems, (435-444)
  12. ACM
    van den Braak S, Choenni S, Meijer R and Zuiderwijk A Trusted third parties for secure and privacy-preserving data integration and sharing in the public sector Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, (135-144)
  13. Currim F and Ram S (2012). Modeling Spatial and Temporal Set-Based Constraints During Conceptual Database Design, Information Systems Research, 23:1, (109-128), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2012.
  14. Choi D, Kim N and Tuan Hung D (2012). Conceptual data modeling for realizing context-aware services, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 39:3, (3022-3030), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2012.
  15. Clark S, Cobb J, Kapfhammer G, Jones J and Harrold M Localizing SQL faults in database applications Proceedings of the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, (213-222)
  16. Le-Phuoc D, Dao-Tran M, Parreira J and Hauswirth M A native and adaptive approach for unified processing of linked streams and linked data Proceedings of the 10th international conference on The semantic web - Volume Part I, (370-388)
  17. Schmaal R, Balsters H and Valera S Formal specification of a meta hierarchical logical data model using object role modeling Proceedings of the 2011th Confederated international conference on On the move to meaningful internet systems, (370-379)
  18. McFadyen R Value grouping transformations in ORM Proceedings of the 2011th Confederated international conference on On the move to meaningful internet systems, (319-328)
  19. Domingues H, Kon F and Ferreira J Asynchronous replication for evolutionary database development Proceedings of the 2011th Confederated international conference on On the move to meaningful internet systems - Volume Part II, (818-825)
  20. Farnan N, Lee A, Chrysanthis P and Yu T Don't reveal my intension Proceedings of the 16th European conference on Research in computer security, (628-647)
  21. ACM
    Cobb J, Jones J, Kapfhammer G and Harrold M Dynamic invariant detection for relational databases Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis, (12-17)
  22. Weerasinghe A, Mitrovic A, Thomson D, Mogin P and Martin B Evaluating a general model of adaptive tutorial dialogues Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Artificial intelligence in education, (394-402)
  23. Hoang Q and Van Nguyen T Extraction of timeER model from a relational database Proceedings of the Third international conference on Intelligent information and database systems - Volume Part I, (57-66)
  24. ACM
    Pulimood S, Shaw D and Lounsberry E Gumshoe Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, (529-534)
  25. ACM
    Upadhyaya G, Midkiff S and Pai V (2010). Automatic atomic region identification in shared memory SPMD programs, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 45:10, (652-670), Online publication date: 17-Oct-2010.
  26. ACM
    Upadhyaya G, Midkiff S and Pai V Automatic atomic region identification in shared memory SPMD programs Proceedings of the ACM international conference on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications, (652-670)
  27. ACM
    Barnes M, du Plessis M and Scholtz B Toward database inference by GUI analysis Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, (346-349)
  28. Hegner S A model of independence and overlap for transactions on database schemata Proceedings of the 14th east European conference on Advances in databases and information systems, (204-218)
  29. Brdjanin D, Maric S and Gunjic D ADBdesign Proceedings of the 14th east European conference on Advances in databases and information systems, (117-131)
  30. Choenni S and Leertouwer E Public safety mashups to support policy makers Proceedings of the First international conference on Electronic government and the information systems perspective, (234-248)
  31. Di Bitonto P, Di Tria F, Laterza M, Roselli T, Rossano V and Tangorra F Automated generation of itineraries in recommender systems for tourism Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Current trends in web engineering, (498-508)
  32. Hu X, Song I and An Y (2010). Maintaining Mappings between Conceptual Models and Relational Schemas, Journal of Database Management, 21:3, (36-68), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2010.
  33. ACM
    Höpfner H and Bunse C (2010). Energy aware data management on AVR micro controller based systems, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 35:3, (1-8), Online publication date: 11-May-2010.
  34. ACM
    Remshagen A Making discrete mathematics relevant Proceedings of the 48th annual ACM Southeast Conference, (1-6)
  35. ACM
    Normann R and Østby L A theoretical study of 'Snapshot Isolation' Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Database Theory, (44-49)
  36. ACM
    Malecha G, Morrisett G, Shinnar A and Wisnesky R Toward a verified relational database management system Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages, (237-248)
  37. ACM
    Malecha G, Morrisett G, Shinnar A and Wisnesky R (2010). Toward a verified relational database management system, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 45:1, (237-248), Online publication date: 2-Jan-2010.
  38. Jablonski S Do we really know how to support processes? considerations and reconstruction Graph transformations and model-driven engineering, (393-410)
  39. Chiu D, Cheung S, Leung H, Hung P, Kafeza E, Hu H, Wang M, Hu H and Zhuang Y (2010). Engineering e-Collaboration Services with a Multi-Agent System Approach, International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, 1:1, (1-25), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010.
  40. Wada Y, Watanabe Y, Sawamoto J and Katoh T Database virtualization technology in ubiquitous computing Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Innovations in information technology, (245-249)
  41. Yamaguchi D (2009). Attribute dependency functions considering data efficiency, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 51:1, (89-98), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2009.
  42. ACM
    Vaisman A and Zimányi E A multidimensional model representing continuous fields in spatial data warehouses Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, (168-177)
  43. Pequeno V and Pires J Reference model and perspective schemata inference for enterprise data integration Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Applications of declarative programming and knowledge management, (135-152)
  44. Konstantinou A and Yemini Y A2A Proceedings of the 20th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management: Integrated Management of Systems, Services, Processes and People in IT, (85-98)
  45. ACM
    Makki S A collective transaction processing scheme for mobile environment Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology, (3-7)
  46. ACM
    Andreou P, Spanos O, Zeinalipour-Yazti D, Samaras G and Chrysanthis P FSort Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks, (1-6)
  47. El-Mouadib F, Zubi Z, Almagrous A and El-Feghi I (2009). Interactive natural language interface, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 8:4, (661-680), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2009.
  48. ACM
    Mansour E and Höpfner H An approach to detecting relevant updates to cached data using XML and active databases Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology: Advances in Database Technology, (791-802)
  49. Nikolai C and Madey G Searchable taxonomies of agent based modeling toolkits Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-10)
  50. Schmieder P, Plimmer B and Dobbie G Sketching ER diagrams Proceedings of the Tenth Australasian Conference on User Interfaces - Volume 93, (53-60)
  51. Stanley E, Mogin P and Andreae P S.E.A.L. Proceedings of the Twentieth Australasian Conference on Australasian Database - Volume 92, (67-76)
  52. Castro L, Gulías V, Abalde C and París J (2018). Environment-independent methodology for accessing external data sources, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 5:9, (1-10), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2008.
  53. ACM
    Hollingsworth J (2008). Teaching query writing, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 40:3, (351-351), Online publication date: 25-Aug-2008.
  54. Castro L, Gulías V, Abalde C and París J Database access and patterns in Erlang/OTP Proceedings of the 8th conference on Applied informatics and communications, (73-78)
  55. ACM
    Hollingsworth J Teaching query writing Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (351-351)
  56. ACM
    Aulbach S, Grust T, Jacobs D, Kemper A and Rittinger J Multi-tenant databases for software as a service Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, (1195-1206)
  57. Alrifai R (2008). An architecture that incorporates web services to support distributed data, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 23:4, (241-246), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2008.
  58. Rusu L, Rahayu W and Taniar D Storage techniques for multi-versioned XML documents Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Database systems for advanced applications, (538-545)
  59. ACM
    Fu J, Ji F and Elmasri R Multi-level biomedical ontology-enabled service broker for web-based interoperation Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (2341-2345)
  60. ACM
    Broinizi M, Ferreira J and Goldman A Using annotations in the naked objects framework to explore data requirements Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (630-637)
  61. Chang S, Deufemia V, Polese G and Vacca M (2007). A Normalization Framework for Multimedia Databases, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 19:12, (1666-1679), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2007.
  62. ACM
    Ordonez C, García-García J and Chen Z Measuring referential integrity in distributed databases Proceedings of the ACM first workshop on CyberInfrastructure: information management in eScience, (61-66)
  63. Artale A, Calvanese D, Kontchakov R, Ryzhikov V and Zakharyaschev M Reasoning over extended ER models Proceedings of the 26th international conference on Conceptual modeling, (277-292)
  64. Even A, Shankaranarayanan G and Berger P (2007). Economics-Driven Data Management, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 19:6, (818-831), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2007.
  65. McFadyen R (2007). Data warehousing in an undergraduate curriculum, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 22:4, (221-227), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
  66. Fermoso A, Berjon R, Beato E, Mateos M, Sanchez M, Manzano M and Gil M (2007). A new system for integrating information from libraries' catalogues to MODS format, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 2:3, (201-210), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  67. Rajugan R, Chang E and Dillon T (2007). Sub-ontologies and ontology views: a theoretical perspective, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 2:2, (94-111), Online publication date: 31-Jan-2007.
  68. Bagui S (2007). Mapping XML Schema to Entity Relationship and Extended Entity Relationship Models, International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 1:3/4, (325-345), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
  69. Nicholson R, Bridge D and Wilson N Decision diagrams Proceedings of the 8th European conference on Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, (136-150)
  70. An Y, Borgida A and Mylopoulos J Refining semantic mappings from relational tables to ontologies Proceedings of the Second international conference on Semantic Web and Databases, (84-90)
  71. Munteanu C and Penn G Optimizing typed feature structure grammar parsing through non-statistical indexing Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, (223-es)
  72. Zavaglia C and Greghi J Homonymy in natural language processes Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Computational processing of the Portuguese language, (86-93)
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  • Georgia Institute of Technology
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