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- Sipper M and Lin H (2022). Artificial General Intelligence: Pressure Cooker or Crucible?, Computer, 55:7, (92-96), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022.
- Ishizaka H, Kong G and Imai K (2022). The Weak Universality of Two-Dimensional Five-State von Neumann Neighborhood Number-Conserving Cellular Automaton, New Generation Computing, 40:2, (541-551), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022.
- Tang Y and Ha D The sensory neuron as a transformer Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (22574-22587)
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Index Terms
- Cellular Automata
Cellular Automata: Elementary Cellular Automata
Cellular automata CA are discrete dynamical systems consist of a regular finite grid of cell; each cell encapsulating an equal portion of the state, and arranged spatially in a regular fashion to form an n-dimensional lattice. A cellular automata is ...
Closure properties of cellular automata
Concerning the power of one-dimensional cellular automata recognizers, Ibarra and Jiang have proved that real time cellular automata (CA) and linear time CA are equivalent if and only if real time CA is closed under reverse. In this paper we investigate ...
Cellular automata between sofic tree shifts
We study the sofic tree shifts of A^@S^^^@?, where @S^@? is a regular rooted tree of finite rank. In particular, we give their characterization in terms of unrestricted Rabin automata. We show that if X@?A^@S^^^@? is a sofic tree shift, then the ...