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Cited By
- Williams P and Hennig C (2015). Effect of web page menu orientation on retrieving information by people with learning disabilities, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66:4, (674-683), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2015.
- Poor G, Leventhal L, Barnes J, Hutchings D, Albee P and Campbell L (2012). No User Left Behind, ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 12:2, (1-22), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2012.
- Lettner F and Holzmann C Automated and unsupervised user interaction logging as basis for usability evaluation of mobile applications Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia, (118-127)
- Patricia L Service learning Proceedings of the 16th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, (12-16)
- Poor G, Donahue T, Mott M, Zimmerman G and Leventhal L Access-a-WoW Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: users diversity - Volume Part II, (352-361)
- Sauer G, Lazar J, Hochheiser H and Feng J (2010). Towards A Universally Usable Human Interaction Proof, ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS), 2:4, (1-32), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2010.
- Pauwels S, Hübscher C, Leuthold S, Bargas-Avila J and Opwis K (2009). Error prevention in online forms, Interacting with Computers, 21:4, (257-262), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2009.
Index Terms
- Access by Design: A Guide to Universal Usability for Web Designers
User-centered design, activity-centered design, and goal-directed design: a review of three methods for designing web applications
SIGDOC '09: Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on Design of communicationWhen conducting research with users in order to design web applications, the practitioner has a variety of methods from which to choose. This paper examines three such methods'User-Centered Design (UCD), Goal-Directed Design (GDD), and Activity-Centered ...
The role of design fiction in participatory design processes
NordiCHI '18: Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer InteractionParticipatory design is in essence very malleable as any design technique could lend itself to it, as long as users and stakeholders are involved. Design fictions however, have more often been used as either a vehicle for critical designs, or as a sheer ...
Inclusive design advisor: understanding the design practice before developing inclusivity tools
This paper describes an exploratory study investigating ways to accommodate inclusive design techniques and tools within industrial design practices. The approach of our research is that by making only small changes in design features, designers end up ...