This dissertation presents an automated system to generate highly efficient, platform-adapted implementations of sparse matrix kernels. We show that conventional implementations of important sparse kernels like sparse matrix-vector multiply (SpMV) have historically run at 10% or less of peak machine speed on cache-based superscalar architectures. Our implementations of SpMV, automatically tuned using a methodology based on empirical-search, can by contrast achieve up to 31% of peak machine speed, and can be up to 4× faster.
Given a matrix, kernel, and machine; our approach to selecting a fast implementation consists of two steps: (1) we identify and generate a space of reasonable implementations, and then (2) search this space for the fastest one using a combination of heuristic models and actual experiments ( i.e ., running and timing the code). We build on the S PARSITY system for generating highly-tuned implementations of the SpMV kernel y ý y + Ax , where A is a sparse matrix and x, y are dense vectors. We extend S PARSITY to support tuning for a variety of common non-zero patterns arising in practice, and for additional kernels like sparse triangular solve (SpTS) and computation of A T A·x (or AA T ·x ) and A ý · x .
We develop new models to compute, for particular data structures and kernels, the best absolute performance ( e.g ., Mflop/s) we might expect on a given matrix and machine. These performance upper bounds account for the cost of memory operations at all levels of the memory hierarchy, but assume ideal instruction scheduling and low-level tuning. We evaluate our performance with respect to such bounds, finding that the generated and tuned implementations of SpMV and SpTS achieve up to 75% of the performance bound. This finding places limits on the effectiveness of additional low-level tuning ( e.g ., better instruction selection and scheduling). (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
Cited By
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Index Terms
- Automatic performance tuning of sparse matrix kernels
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