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Essential systems analysisMay 1984
  • Yourdon Press
  • Imprint of Simon and Schuster One Lake St. Upper Saddle River, NJ
  • United States
Published:01 May 1984
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Lee Girard Herberts

This book describes the process of deriving requirements for the development of systems. The authors define analysis in terms of generating true or essential requirements, rather than the traditional derivation of logical/physical aspects of a system. Largely, the book concentrates on how to define technology-independent requirements using structured analysis tools (e.g., data flow diagrams). The authors conclude with techniques for management of projects. While systems analysis is a difficult subject to learn from a book, the authors have presented a lucid description of methods to undertake the analysis activity. The book builds on, and refines, the Yourdon techniques of analysis. Included are excellent chapter summaries, abundant diagrams, and consistent examples. the book is lengthy, yet more information on implementation selection (incarnation) and construction of the physical system would be helpful especially for the practitioner. Finally, due to the length and complexity of the concepts and methods presented, workshop or seminar training would maximize the benefits of this book. Essential Systems Analysis presents the most recent analysis methodology. Its value lies in a new definition of requirments derivation and the methods for doing so. It is recommended for both project managers and analysts.

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