Method for computational grids resources allocate based on auction and utility analyses
Scalable M+1st-Price Auction with Infinite Bidding Price
Science of Cyber SecurityAbstractst-price auction, also called Vickrey auction, is a type of sealed-bid auction to sell M identical goods. B bidders secretly choose a bid. The top M bidders can buy the goods at the st bidding price. In previous research, a trusted manager ...
An auction method for resource allocation in computational grids
A computational grid is composed of a set of resource consumers and resources providers. Usually these entities are independent and making decisions autonomously based on their policies and resource allocation in such systems is a challenging problem. ...
A Resource Allocation Method for Computational Grids Based on On-line Reverse Auction
CHINAGRID '09: Proceedings of the 2009 Fourth ChinaGrid Annual ConferenceResource allocation and task scheduling are two key technologies in grid computing system. The market-based resource allocation model is considered as a good one. In this paper, an on-line reverse auction method of resource allocation for computational ...
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