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Developing systems composed of nanomachines requires communication mechanisms for nanomachines to coordinate with other nanomachines. Nanomachines are artificial or biological molecules that perform simple computing, sensing, or actuation. Biological systems often use molecular communication to communicate among nanomachines: a nanomachine(s) sends (sender) molecules to encode information, the information molecules propagate through the environment, and another nanomachine(s) receives (receiver) the molecules as decoded information. A system of nanomachines may require a variety of communication functionality such as uni-cast to a single receiver or broadcast to many receivers.
All communication processes (encoding, sending, propagating, receiving, decoding) impact the design of a communication system. In this project, we focus on single-hop communication (no resending of a signal) from a single sender without any feedback mechanisms (no communication from receiver to sender). We improve the design of a molecular communication system by characterizing several techniques for sending, propagating, and receiving information molecules. First we conduct biology experiments necessary to characterize the components for propagation of molecular communication. Next, we model the components and perform simulations to measure the delay and success rate of receiving information molecules for three propagation techniques (diffusion-only, directional molecular motors, and a hybrid using both diffusion and motors). Then, we model and mathematically measure signal, noise and information rate for multiple bit communication. Finally, we model techniques to modify signal and noise such as noise dissipation, sending multiple information molecules, and receiving multiple information molecules. We compare the information rates of the various techniques to identify promising approaches for uni-cast and broadcast communication.
Index Terms . Molecular communication, information rate, noise, kinesin molecular motor, microtubule, simulation.
Molecular communication on artificial cell membranes
BIONETICS '08: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing SytemsMolecular communication is a bio-inspired communication paradigm using molecules as information carriers. In this paper, we built an example molecular communication system in aqueous media, which includes propagation of molecular capsules capable of ...
A molecular communication interface using liposomes with gap junction proteins
BIONETICS '06: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Bio inspired models of network, information and computing systemsMolecular communication [1]-[2] is an emerging communication paradigm that uses molecules as a communication medium. Molecular communication allows biological and artificially created nano- or cell-scale devices to communicate with each other. In ...