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Advanced Memory Optimization Techniques for Low-Power Embedded ProcessorsMay 2007
  • Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated
Published:08 May 2007
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The design of embedded systems warrants a new perspective because of the following two reasons: Firstly, slow and energy inefficient memory hierarchies have already become the bottleneck of the embedded systems. It is documented in the literature as the memory wall problem. Secondly, the software running on the contemporary embedded devices is becoming increasingly complex. It is also well understood that no silver bullet exists to solve the memory wall problem. Therefore, this book explores a collaborative approach by proposing novel memory hierarchies and software optimization techniques for the optimal utilization of these memory hierarchies. Linking memory architecture design with memory-architecture aware compilation results in fast, energy-efficient and timing predictable memory accesses. The evaluation of the optimization techniques using real-life benchmarks for a single processor system, a multiprocessor system-on-chip (SoC) and for a digital signal processor system, reports significant reductions in the energy consumption and performance improvement of these systems. The book presents a wide range of optimizations, progressively increasing in the complexity of analysis and of memory hierarchies. The final chapter covers optimization techniques for applications consisting of multiple processes found in most modern embedded devices. Advanced Memory Optimization Techniques for Low Power Embedded Processorsis designed for researchers, complier writers and embedded system designers / architects who wish to optimize the energy and performance characteristics of the memory subsystem.

Cited By

  1. Compiler-directed memory hierarchy design for low-energy embedded systems Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign, (147-156)
  2. ACM
    Verdoolaege S, Janssens G and Bruynooghe M (2012). Equivalence checking of static affine programs using widening to handle recurrences, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 34:3, (1-35), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2012.
  3. Busquets-Mataix J, Catalá C and Martí-Campoy A Architecture extensions for efficient management of scratch-pad memory Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Integrated circuit and system design: power and timing modeling, optimization, and simulation, (43-52)
  4. Verdoolaege S, Palkovič M, Bruynooghe M, Janssens G and Catthoor F (2010). Experience with Widening Based Equivalence Checking in Realistic Multimedia Systems, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, 26:2, (279-292), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2010.
  5. ACM
    Pyka R, Klein F, Marwedel P and Mamagkakis S (2010). Versatile system-level memory-aware platform description approach for embedded MPSoCs, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 45:4, (9-16), Online publication date: 13-Apr-2010.
  6. ACM
    Pyka R, Klein F, Marwedel P and Mamagkakis S Versatile system-level memory-aware platform description approach for embedded MPSoCs Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED 2010 conference on Languages, compilers, and tools for embedded systems, (9-16)
  7. Falk H and Lokuciejewski P (2010). A compiler framework for the reduction of worst-case execution times, Real-Time Systems, 46:2, (251-300), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2010.
  8. Menichelli F and Olivieri M (2009). Static minimization of total energy consumption in memory subsystem for scratchpad-based systems-on-chips, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 17:2, (161-171), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2009.
  9. De Sutter B, Verkest D, Brockmeyer E, Delfosse E, Vandecappelle A and Mignolet J (2009). Design and Tool Flow of Multimedia MPSoC Platforms, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 57:2, (229-247), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2009.
  10. ACM
    Falk H and Kleinsorge J Optimal static WCET-aware scratchpad allocation of program code Proceedings of the 46th Annual Design Automation Conference, (732-737)
  11. ACM
    Klein F, Baldassin A, Araujo G, Centoducatte P and Azevedo R On the energy-efficiency of software transactional memory Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design: Chip on the Dunes, (1-6)
  12. ACM
    Hessel S, Bruns F, Bilgic A, Lackorzynski A, Härtig H and Hausner J Acceleration of the L4/Fiasco microkernel using scratchpad memory Proceedings of the First Workshop on Virtualization in Mobile Computing, (6-10)
  13. Balasa F and Zhu H System-level exploration of hierarchical storage organizations for embedded data-intensive applications 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), (638-641)
  • Technical University Dortmund
  • Technical University Dortmund
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