Software product line (SPL) engineering suggests development and reuse of core software artifacts for a particular domain as its main principle. This fosters productivity and quality of developing customized software products by exploiting their commonalities and variabilities. However, domain variabilities often crosscut the architecture and are therefore orthogonal to individual software artifacts that make up a system. Designing a SPL architecture that realizes domain commonalities and variabilities is a large research challenge requiring all kinds of software engineering tools, methodologies, and techniques. Evolving from the logistics domain, this book presents a general, model-based SPL architecture for Enterprise Applications. A framework for a multi-layered architecture as reference architecture for such systems is presented to support model-based development of reusable core artifacts. In addition to standard SPL requirements, the framework supports new concepts and methodologies for platform and technology independent artifact design, automation of product development, and mechanisms for product end-customization to satisfy customer specific needs.
Index Terms
- Software Product Line Architecture for Enterprise Applications: Principles, Methodologies, and Practices for Model-based SPL Engineering
Recovering software product line architecture of a family of object-oriented product variants
Automatic architecture recovery from a set of software product variants.Recovering variability concerning component, configuration, and dependencies.Experimented on two families of product variants. Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) aims at ...
Respecting component architecture to migrate product copies to a software product line
WCOP '12: Proceedings of the 17th international doctoral symposium on Components and ArchitectureSoftware product lines (SPL) are a well-known concept to efficiently develop product variants. However, migrating existing, customised product copies to a product line is still an open issue due to the required comprehension of differences among ...
The software product line architecture: An empirical investigation of key process activities
Software architecture has been a key area of concern in software industry due to its profound impact on the productivity and quality of software products. This is even more crucial in case of software product line, because it deals with the development ...