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Internet Advertising Pleasure and Purchase Intention

Published: 01 October 2017 Publication History


The purpose of this study is to provide some insights regarding the Internet advertising Pleasure, IAP. The recent negative trends and deficiencies in Internet advertising makes it imperative to study various factors affecting this area of marketing and explain why people have not enough willingness to click on advertisements. This study builds a comprehensive theoretical model explaining the internet advertising pleasure. By administrating a survey, the paper examined the 288 Internet users' reactions in Iran. A structural equation model and AMOS software were used to analyze the data. A total of five latent variables of internet advertising pleasure were examined: prior experience, website pleasure attitude toward website, and arousal as antecedents; and attitude toward brand and purchase intention as consequences. The paper found that regardless of "Website pleasure" and "Arousal," these constructs successfully explain Internet advertising pleasure by incorporating advertising relaxedness, advertising happiness, and advertising satisfaction. The prior experience was found to be the most significant for explaining Internet advertising pleasure. This study offers one of the first attempts to build a comprehensive theoretical model explaining Internet Advertising Pleasure, IAP. Second, this study offers a new scale for internet advertising pleasure with higher content validity.


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  1. Internet Advertising Pleasure and Purchase Intention



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    Published In

    cover image International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy
    International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy  Volume 8, Issue 4
    October 2017
    64 pages
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    IGI Global

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 October 2017

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    1. Arousal
    2. Internet Advertising
    3. Internet Advertising Pleasure
    4. Website Pleasure


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