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- research-articleFebruary 2025
Temporal Insights for Group-Based Fraud Detection on e-Commerce Platforms
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEECS_TKDE), Volume 37, Issue 2Pages 951–965https://doi.org/10.1109/TKDE.2024.3485127Along with the rapid technological and commercial innovation on e-commerce platforms, an increasing number of frauds cause great harm to these platforms. Many frauds are conducted by organized groups of fraudsters for higher efficiency and lower costs, ...
- research-articleNovember 2024
Multi-granularity label-aware user interest modeling for news recommendation
AbstractThe primary method for news recommendations revolves around leveraging the user’s browsing history to gauge their interests. Existing models prioritize analyzing news content to infer user interests, ignoring the role of label category information ...
- research-articleJuly 2024
RealityEffects: Augmenting 3D Volumetric Videos with Object-Centric Annotation and Dynamic Visual Effects
DIS '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems ConferencePages 1248–1261https://doi.org/10.1145/3643834.3661631This paper introduces RealityEffects, a desktop authoring interface designed for editing and augmenting 3D volumetric videos with object-centric annotations and visual effects. RealityEffects enhances volumetric capture by introducing a novel method for ...
- research-articleFebruary 2024
A joint framework with heterogeneous-relation-aware graph and multi-channel label enhancing strategy for event causality extraction
AAAI'24/IAAI'24/EAAI'24: Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Thirty-Sixth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Fourteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial IntelligenceArticle No.: 2105, Pages 18879–18887https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i17.29853Event Causality Extraction (ECE) aims to extract the cause-effect event pairs with their structured event information from plain texts. As far as we know, the existing ECE methods mainly focus on the correlation between arguments, without explicitly ...
- research-articleFebruary 2024
A dynamic adaptive multi-view fusion graph convolutional network recommendation model with dilated mask convolution mechanism
Information Sciences: an International Journal (ISCI), Volume 658, Issue Chttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2023.120028AbstractGraph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) has shown promise in recommendation systems. However, a critical issue known as the over-smoothing problem has been identified in GCN models. This problem arises as the number of layers in the model increases, ...
- research-articleJanuary 2024
Scaffolding Computational Thinking With ChatGPT
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (IEEETLT), Volume 17Pages 1668–1682https://doi.org/10.1109/TLT.2024.3392896ChatGPT has received considerable attention in education, particularly in programming education because of its capabilities in automated code generation and program repairing and scoring. However, few empirical studies have investigated the use of ChatGPT ...
- research-articleAugust 2023
Group-based Fraud Detection Network on e-Commerce Platforms
KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningPages 5463–5475https://doi.org/10.1145/3580305.3599836Along with the rapid technological and commercial innovation on the e-commerce platforms, there are an increasing number of frauds that bring great harm to these platforms. Many frauds are conducted by organized groups of fraudsters for higher efficiency ...
- research-articleMay 2023
Hierarchical neural network: Integrate divide-and-conquer and unified approach for argument unit recognition and classification
Information Sciences: an International Journal (ISCI), Volume 624, Issue CPages 796–810https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2022.12.050AbstractArgument unit recognition and classification (AURC) is a promising and critical research topic in argument mining, which aims to extract the argument units that express support or opposing stance in a given argumentative text under ...
- research-articleOctober 2022
RealityTalk: Real-Time Speech-Driven Augmented Presentation for AR Live Storytelling
UIST '22: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and TechnologyArticle No.: 17, Pages 1–12https://doi.org/10.1145/3526113.3545702We present RealityTalk, a system that augments real-time live presentations with speech-driven interactive virtual elements. Augmented presentations leverage embedded visuals and animation for engaging and expressive storytelling. However, existing ...
- research-articleJune 2022
Incorporate opinion-towards for stance detection
AbstractStance detection can help gain different perspectives into important events, e.g., whether people are in favor of or against certain claim. Most previous work use sentiment information to assist in stance detection. However, they do ...
- research-articleMay 2022
Dynamic commonsense knowledge fused method for Chinese implicit sentiment analysis
Information Processing and Management: an International Journal (IPRM), Volume 59, Issue 3https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2022.102934AbstractCompared with explicit sentiment analysis that attracts considerable attention, implicit sentiment analysis is a more difficult task due to the lack of sentimental words. The abundant information in an external sentimental knowledge ...
Highlights- A sentimental commonsense knowledge graph embedded multi-polarity orthogonal attention model is proposed to learn the implication of the implicit sentiment. ...
- research-articleNovember 2021
Enhancing emotion inference in conversations with commonsense knowledge
AbstractExisting studies on emotion analysis in conversations have mainly focused on recognizing the emotion of a given utterance. This paper investigates the task of emotion inference in conversations, which explores how the utterances affect ...
- research-articleOctober 2021
Explainable link prediction based on multi-granularity relation-embedded representation
AbstractExisting link prediction methods focus on mining relations of nodes in terms of network structure, ignoring rich attributes of nodes. In the micro-blog social networks, text contents describe users’ diverse behaviors, which depicts ...
Highlights- A social relation extraction method is proposed via semantic association of texts.
- research-articleSeptember 2021
Heterogeneous type-specific entity representation learning for recommendations in e-commerce network
Information Processing and Management: an International Journal (IPRM), Volume 58, Issue 5https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2021.102629AbstractIn heterogeneous e-commerce recommender systems, the type and attribute information of users and products contain rich semantics, which can benefit the prediction and explanation of user ratings of interesting items. Existing studies ...
Highlights- A novel heterogeneous type-specific entity representation method is proposed.
- A ...
- ArticleAugust 2021
Live-Streaming Fraud Detection: A Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network Approach
KDD '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data MiningPages 3670–3678https://doi.org/10.1145/3447548.3467065Live-streaming platforms have recently gained significant popularity by attracting an increasing number of young users and have become a very promising form of online shopping. Similar to the traditional online shopping platforms such as Taobao, live-...
- research-articleJune 2021
CNN-DMA: A Predictable and Scalable Direct Memory Access Engine for Convolutional Neural Network with Sliding-window Filtering
- Zheng Wang,
- Zhuo Wang,
- Jian Liao,
- Chao Chen,
- Yongkui Yang,
- Bo Dong,
- Weiguang Chen,
- Wenxuan Chen,
- Ming Lei,
- Weiyu Guo,
- Rui Chen,
- Yi Peng,
- Zhibin Yu
GLSVLSI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSIPages 115–121https://doi.org/10.1145/3453688.3461496Memory bandwidth utilization has become the key performance bottleneck for state-of-the-art variants of neural network kernels. Current structures such as depth-wise, point-wise and atrous convolutions have already introduced diverse and discontinuous ...
- research-articleMarch 2020
BiLSTM with Multi-Polarity Orthogonal Attention for Implicit Sentiment Analysis
Neurocomputing (NEUROC), Volume 383, Issue CPages 165–173https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2019.11.054AbstractSentiment analysis has been a popular field in natural language processing. Sentiments can be expressed explicitly or implicitly. Most current studies on sentiment analysis focus on the identification of explicit sentiments. However, ...
- ArticleSeptember 2018
Multiscale Cascaded Scene-Specific Convolutional Neural Networks for Background Subtraction
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – PCM 2018Pages 524–533https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00776-8_48AbstractRecent years have witnessed the widespread success of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in computer vision and multimedia. The CNNs based background subtraction methods, which are effective for addressing the challenges (such as shadows, ...
- ArticleJuly 2014
Incorporating Digital Badges and Ontology into Project-Based Learning
ICALT '14: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning TechnologiesPages 403–405https://doi.org/10.1109/ICALT.2014.121The rapid development of technology makes learning goals much more complex, diverse, and keeping changing. In reality, each product of design must be 'ultimately particular', which complicates the holistic learning objectives of a technology training ...
- ArticleAugust 2013
Research on Technology of Time Synchronization between Heterogeneous Systems HLA and VITA
ICISEM '13: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information System and Engineering ManagementPages 478–482Along with the development of computer technology and the enlargement of simulation application, various simulation systems that based on different architectures are emerging. Bridging heterogeneous simulation systems via gateway to build large-scare ...