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- research-articleAugust 2023
Membership Mappings for Practical Secure Distributed Deep Learning
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TOFS), Volume 31, Issue 8Pages 2617–2631https://doi.org/10.1109/TFUZZ.2023.3235440In this article, we consider the problem of privacy-preserving distributed deep learning where data privacy is protected by fully homomorphic encryption. The aim is to develop a method for practical and scalable distributed deep learning with fully ...
- chapterMarch 2022
A General Framework for Multiple Choice Question Answering Based on Mutual Information and Reinforced Co-occurrence
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLIIPages 91–110https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-60531-8_4AbstractAs a result of the continuously growing volume of information available, browsing and querying of textual information in search of specific facts is currently a tedious task exacerbated by a reality where data presentation very often does not meet ...
- ArticleFebruary 2022
KI-Net: AI-Based Optimization in Industrial Manufacturing—A Project Overview
Computer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST 2022Pages 554–561https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25312-6_65AbstractArtificial intelligence (AI) is a crucial technology of industrial digitalization. Especially in the production industry, a great potential is present in optimizing existing processes, e.g., concerning resource consumption, emission reduction, ...
- research-articleJanuary 2022
Root Cause Analysis in the Industrial Domain using Knowledge Graphs: A Case Study on Power Transformers
- Jorge Martinez-Gil,
- Georg Buchgeher,
- David Gabauer,
- Bernhard Freudenthaler,
- Dominik Filipiak,
- Anna Fensel
Procedia Computer Science (PROCS), Volume 200, Issue CPages 944–953https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2022.01.292AbstractIn the industrial domain, developing solutions that allow the identification, understanding, and correction of faults is essential due to the cost of handling such situations. However, to date, there are not many solutions capable of facilitating ...
- research-articleDecember 2021
An Explainable Fuzzy Theoretic Nonparametric Deep Model for Stress Assessment Using Heartbeat Intervals Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TOFS), Volume 29, Issue 12Pages 3873–3886https://doi.org/10.1109/TFUZZ.2020.3029284This article presents an explainable fuzzy theoretic nonparametric deep model for an analysis of heart rate variability in application to stress assessment. We are concerned with the development of a model that evaluates and explains a short-time (3&#...
- research-articleApril 2021
Gaussian fuzzy theoretic analysis for variational learning of nested compositions
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR), Volume 131, Issue CPages 1–29https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2020.12.021AbstractThis paper introduces a variational analysis approach to the learning of a deep model formed via a nested composition of mappings. The fuzzy sets, being characterized by Gaussian type of membership functions, are used to represent ...
- research-articleJanuary 2021
Decay-parameter Diagnosis in Industrial Domains by Robustness through Isotonic Regression
Procedia Computer Science (PROCS), Volume 180, Issue CPages 466–475https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.263AbstractIn various industrial production environments a burn-in phase of a specific settling-length precedes a stable (i.e. steady-state, stationary) process mode. The identification of the corresponding physical parameters may be difficult to perform in ...
- research-articleDecember 2020
Fuzzy Membership Functional Analysis for Nonparametric Deep Models of Image Features
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TOFS), Volume 28, Issue 12Pages 3345–3359https://doi.org/10.1109/TFUZZ.2019.2950636The application of fuzzy theory to deep learning is limited, 1) under the realm of deep neural networks, 2) to the parametric form of modeling, and 3) relying on gradient-descent-based numerical algorithms for optimization because of lack of analytical ...
- research-articleJuly 2020
Differentially Private Learning of Distributed Deep Models
UMAP '20 Adjunct: Adjunct Publication of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and PersonalizationPages 193–200https://doi.org/10.1145/3386392.3399562This study presents an optimal differential privacy framework for learning of distributed deep models. The deep models, consisting of a nested composition of mappings, are learned analytically in a private setting using variational optimization ...
- research-articleFebruary 2020
Optimal Selection of Training Courses for Unemployed People based on Stable Marriage Model
iiWAS2019: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & ServicesPages 260–266https://doi.org/10.1145/3366030.3366063The problem that we address here is given n job seekers and n job offers, where each job seeker has ranked all job offers in order of preference given by a suitability function, and vice versa; the goal is to compute the minimum set of skills to be ...
- ArticleAugust 2019
Multiple Choice Question Answering in the Legal Domain Using Reinforced Co-occurrence
AbstractNowadays, the volume of legal information available is continuously growing. As a result, browsing and querying this huge legal corpus in search of specific information is currently a tedious task exacerbated by the fact that data presentation ...
- ArticleFebruary 2019
Enhancing Industrial Maintenance Through Intelligent Data Analysis
Computer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST 2019Pages 469–476https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45096-0_57AbstractFor years, the amount of data generated in many industrial production plants has been said to have great potential for improving maintenance processes. In order to leverage this potential in practice, however, it is necessary to overcome a number ...
- short-paperDecember 2017
Management of accurate profile matching using multi-cloud service interaction
iiWAS '17: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & ServicesPages 161–165https://doi.org/10.1145/3151759.3151831The current paper describes our research towards a cloud infrastructure for the universal access and interaction with a number of services implementing methods for enriching, matching and querying information about job offers and applicant profiles in ...
- research-articleDecember 2017
Automatic recommendation of prognosis measures for mechanical components based on massive text mining
iiWAS '17: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & ServicesPages 32–39https://doi.org/10.1145/3151759.3151774Automatically providing suggestions for predicting the likely status of a mechanical component is a key challenge in a wide variety of industrial domains. Existing solutions based on ontological models have proven to be appropriate for fault diagnosis, ...
- bookOctober 2016
A Rigorous Semantics for BPMN 2.0 Process Diagrams
- Felix Kossak,
- Christa Illibauer,
- Verena Geist,
- Jan Kubovy,
- Christine Natschlger,
- Thomas Ziebermayr,
- Theodorich Kopetzky,
- Bernhard Freudenthaler,
- Klaus-Dieter Schewe
This book provides the most complete formal specification of the semantics of the Business Process Model and Notation 2.0 standard (BPMN) available to date, in a style that is easily understandable for a wide range of readers not only for experts in ...
- bookApril 2016
Hagenberg Business Process Modelling Method
- Felix Kossak,
- Christa Illibauer,
- Verena Geist,
- Christine Natschlger,
- Thomas Ziebermayr,
- Bernhard Freudenthaler,
- Theodorich Kopetzky,
- Klaus-Dieter Schewe
This book presents a proposal for designing business process management (BPM) systems that comprise much more than just process modelling. Based on a purified Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) variant, the authors present proposals for several ...
- ArticleSeptember 2015
Framework for Fast Prototyping of Energy-Saving Controllers
- Jorge Martinez-Gil,
- Georgios Chasparis,
- Andreas Boegl,
- Christa Illibauer,
- Bernhard Freudenthaler,
- Thomas Natschlaeger
DEXA '15: Proceedings of the 2015 26th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA)Pages 68–72https://doi.org/10.1109/DEXA.2015.32Due to the high costs of real-time experiments, performance simulation has become a widely accepted method of assessment for the quality of proposed solutions in the field of energy saving. Additionally, being able to simulate the behavior of the future ...
- bookFebruary 2015
A Rigorous Semantics for BPMN 2.0 Process Diagrams
- Felix Kossak,
- Christa Illibauer,
- Verena Geist,
- Jan Kubovy,
- Christine Natschlger,
- Thomas Ziebermayr,
- Theodorich Kopetzky,
- Bernhard Freudenthaler,
- Klaus-Dieter Schewe
This book provides the most complete formal specification of the semantics of the Business Process Model and Notation 2.0 standard (BPMN) available to date, in a style that is easily understandable for a wide range of readers not only for experts in ...
- ArticleAugust 2013
Modeling User Behavior through Electricity Consumption Patterns
DEXA '13: Proceedings of the 2013 24th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems ApplicationsPages 204–208https://doi.org/10.1109/DEXA.2013.44Reducing energy consumption in buildings of all kinds is a key challenge for researchers since it can help to notably reduce the waste of energy and its associated costs. However, when dealing with residential environments, there is a major problem, ...
- ArticleFebruary 2013
On the Relevance of Graphical Causal Models for Failure Detection for Industrial Machinery
Revised Selected Papers of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2013 - Volume 8111Pages 174–181https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-53856-8_22Assessing the reliability of industrial machinery is an important aspect within maintenance processes in order to maximize productivity and efficiency. In this paper we propose to use graphical models for fault detection in industrial machinery within a ...