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Reliable Autonomy for
Human-Cyber-Physical Systems

NSF CPS PI Meeting Mini-Workshop
November 14, 2017

National Science Foundation, Virginia

Key Facts

Workshop Date
  8:30-10:30 AM, November 14, 2017
Workshop Location
  Beech [Lower Level]
Contact Information

Overview of Workshop

Front Figure

While the vast majority of methods and tools in cyber-physical systems (CPS) have been developed for fully autonomous systems, most engineered systems operate with a human on-the-loop, if not in-the-loop. A pervasive history of incidents and accidents in aircraft flight management systems, air traffic control, automobile systems, biomedical systems and devices, and other application domains attest to the unaddressed challenges inherent in the design of human-cyber-physical systems (HCPS). Transparency, trust, situational awareness, workload, and other factors have significant influence on overall system performance when humans interact with automation.

Methods and tools for design of HCPS must account for the complexity of the human response, as well as challenges associated with accurate assessments of human state, incorporation of biometric data into the control loop, and effective communication and collaboration with the human. Interdisciplinary challenges arise in the need for modeling, simulation, and experimental validation.

This workshop seeks to envision the future of HCPS research. We aim to identify the most relevant challenges facing cyber-physical system researchers in HCPS, including (but not limited to) problems in human-robot interaction, societal-scale infrastructure, semi-autonomous vehicles and transportation systems, and neuro or mechanical assistive devices.

Workshop Format

The workshop format exploits interactive elements. After a brief introduction, invited speakers will give brief, 3-minute talks on their vision for the most significant research problems in HCPS. Participants will then break into small groups to discuss a series of open-ended questions. After re-joining, groups will quickly summarize novel findings to all participants, and organizers will provide concluding remarks.

Discussion Groups

Humans and Robots will focus on questions motivated by problems in human-robot interaction, collaboration, and communication, neuromechanical systems, assistive and rehabilitative robotics, teleoperation, and neurological and biomedical modeling.

Humans and Methods will focus on questions motivated by problems in verification and control, including extension of formal methods to HCPS, synthesis of controllers for human-on-the-loop systems, and collaborative and shared control.

Humans and Models will focus on questions motivated by problems in interface design, behavioral modeling, cognitive modeling, and large-scale simulation of realistic human behavior.

Tentative Schedule

08:30 AM - 08:40 AM Workshop Introduction
08:40 AM - 09:15 AM Speed Talks on Research Problems in HCPS
09:15 AM - 10:15 AM Guided Small Group Discussions
10:15 AM - 10:35 AM Read-out from Groups
10:35 AM - 10:45 AM Concluding Remarks

Invited Speakers
