Filomat 2022 Volume 36, Issue 20, Pages: 6867-6883
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L-convex quasi-uniform spaces
Wu Xiu-Yun (School of Mathematics and Statistics, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China),
Zhang Hui-Min (School of Mathematics and Statistics, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China),
In this paper, L-convex β*-remotehood system is introduced and some
characterizations of both L-convexity and L-convex remotehood system are
obtained. Further, β*-remote mapping is presented and some of its properties
are investigated. Based on this, L-convex quasi-uniformity and L-convex
quasiuniformity preserving mapping are introduced. It is proved that
L-convex quasi-uniform space and Lconvex space are mutually induced. In
addition, the category of L-convex spaces and the category of L-convex
β*-remotehood spaces can be embedded into the category of L-convex
quasi-uniform spaces.
Keywords: L-convexity, L-convex β*-remotehood system, L-convex quasi-uniformity, L-convex quasi-uniform preserving mapping
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