The Application of Design Patterns to Develop Games for Mobile Devices using Java 2 Micro Edition
By: J. Narsoo, M. S. Sunhaloo, R. Thomas
Recently, the mobile gaming industry has experienced a tremendous growth. As a result, development of new games may lead to recurring similar design problems. Thus, design patterns can be used to optimize the design and implementation of games for mobile devices [5]. For example, design patterns can provide facilities for creating a new board in a board game, for varying the board dimensions, for maintaining and saving the game state, for computing the next move, for rendering the display screen and for managing record stores.
Cite as:
J. Narsoo, M. S. Sunhaloo, R. Thomas, “The Application of Design Patterns to Develop Games for Mobile Devices using Java 2 Micro Edition”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 8, no. 5 (July 2009), pp. 153-175, doi:10.5381/jot.2009.8.5.a4.
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