Published April 14, 2020
| Version v2
Experimental Data Sets for the study "Benchmarking a $(\mu+\lambda)$ Genetic Algorithm with Configurable Crossover Probability"
- 1. LIACS, Leiden University
- 2. LIP6, Sorbonne Université
- 3. CNRS, LIP6, Sorbonne Université
This is the experimental result of the study "Benchmarking a (μ+λ) Genetic Algorithm with Configurable Crossover Probability". A novel (μ+λ) GA is proposed and benchmarked, in which we stochastically determine whether to apply the crossover operator either for each individual or generation with a crossover probability \(p_c\). This data set consists of two parts:
- The results of (μ+λ) GA on 25 pseudo-Boolean problems defined in IOHprofiler ( with the following setup: \(\mu \in \{10, 50, 100\}, \lambda \in \{1, \lceil\mu/2\rceil, \mu\}, p_c\in\{0, 0.5\}.\)
- The results of (μ+λ) GA on LeadingOnes with the following setup: \(n \in \{64,100,150,200,250,500\}, \mu \in \{2,3,5,8,10,20,30,...,100\}, \\ \lambda \in \{1, \lceil \mu/2 \rceil, \mu\}, \text{and }p_c \in \{0.1 k \mid k \in [0..9]\}\cup\{0.95\}.\)
Contact: if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact Furong Ye or Carola Doerr.