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Authors: Juan M. Montoya and Christian Borgelt

Affiliation: Chair for Bioinformatics and Information Mining, University of Konstanz and Germany

Keyword(s): Wide and Deep Reinforcement Learning, Wide Deep Q-Networks, Value Function Approximation, Reinforcement Learning Agents.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Artificial Intelligence ; Biomedical Engineering ; Biomedical Signal Processing ; Computational Intelligence ; Evolutionary Computing ; Health Engineering and Technology Applications ; Human-Computer Interaction ; Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval ; Knowledge-Based Systems ; Machine Learning ; Methodologies and Methods ; Neural Networks ; Neurocomputing ; Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics ; Pattern Recognition ; Physiological Computing Systems ; Sensor Networks ; Signal Processing ; Soft Computing ; Symbolic Systems ; Theory and Methods

Abstract: For the last decade Deep Reinforcement Learning has undergone exponential development; however, less has been done to integrate linear methods into it. Our Wide and Deep Reinforcement Learning framework provides a tool that combines linear and non-linear methods into one. For practical implementations, our framework can help integrate expert knowledge while improving the performance of existing Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms. Our research aims to generate a simple practical framework to extend such algorithms. To test this framework we develop an extension of the popular Deep Q-Networks algorithm, which we name Wide Deep Q-Networks. We analyze its performance compared to Deep Q-Networks and Linear Agents, as well as human players. We apply our new algorithm to Berkley’s Pac-Man environment. Our algorithm considerably outperforms Deep Q-Networks’ both in terms of learning speed and ultimate performance showing its potential for boosting existing algorithms.


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Paper citation in several formats:
Montoya, J. and Borgelt, C. (2019). Wide and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Grid-based Action Games. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 2: ICAART; ISBN 978-989-758-350-6; ISSN 2184-433X, SciTePress, pages 50-59. DOI: 10.5220/0007313200500059

author={Juan M. Montoya and Christian Borgelt},
title={Wide and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Grid-based Action Games},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 2: ICAART},


JO - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 2: ICAART
TI - Wide and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Grid-based Action Games
SN - 978-989-758-350-6
IS - 2184-433X
AU - Montoya, J.
AU - Borgelt, C.
PY - 2019
SP - 50
EP - 59
DO - 10.5220/0007313200500059
PB - SciTePress

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