Adrián Peidró
Óscar Reinoso
Arturo Gil
José María Marín
Luis Payá
Yerai Berenguer
Miguel Hernández University, Spain
Robot Manipulator, Redundant Robot, Workspace, Inverse Kinematics, Discretization Methods.
Engineering Applications
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Mechatronics Systems
Robot Design, Development and Control
Robotics and Automation
Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modeling and Control
This paper presents the workspace analysis of a redundant serial-parallel robot. Due to the complexity of the robot, the complex constraints (joint limits and no-interference between the legs of the robot), and the globally serial structure of the robot, a discretization method based on the forward kinematics would be most appropriate to compute the workspace. However, this widely used method can only obtain the external boundaries of the workspace, missing the internal barriers that hinder the motion of the robot, which may exist inside the boundaries. To avoid missing these barriers, we use a discretization method that uses the solution of the inverse kinematic problem of the robot. By studying the feasibility of attaining a desired position and orientation by the different branches of the solution to the inverse kinematics, the proposed discretization method is able to obtain both the external boundaries and the internal barriers of the workspace. Some examples are presented to sh
ow the importance of these internal barriers in the motions of the robot inside the workspace.