Reforming Land Public Interest Litigation in China: Addressing Legal and Practical Barriers
:1. Introduction
2. Why Prosecute: The Background of LPIL
2.1. Definition of Public Interest
2.2. The Development of LPIL in China
2.2.1. Theoretical Research and Practical Preparation Phase
2.2.2. Legislative Confirmation and Rapid Development Phase
2.3. The Types of LPIL in China
3. How to Prosecute: An Empirical Study of LPIL in China
3.1. General Description
3.2. Issues in the Practice of LPIL in China
3.2.1. Limited Diversity, Dominated Authority
3.2.2. Regional Imbalance, Jurisdictional Challenge
3.2.3. Low Litigation Rates, Administrative Fates
3.2.4. Diversity in Standards of Determination
3.2.5. Diverse Litigation Outcomes with Inconsistent Handling of Similar Cases
4. Support Prosecute: Comparative Study and Localization of LPIL
4.1. Comparison and Discussion
4.1.1. Litigation Standards
4.1.2. Plaintiff Eligibility
4.1.3. NGO Development
4.2. Localization and Optimization
4.2.1. Establishing Substantive and Reasonable Standards of Determination
4.2.2. Expanding the Range of Plaintiffs
4.2.3. Encouraging the Development of NGOs
4.2.4. Clarifying the Responsibilities of Land Management Agencies
5. Conclusions
- Regional Success vs. Disparities: LPIL has achieved notable success in addressing land-related challenges, yet its impact is uneven across regions. Persistent disparities in case distribution and overlapping responsibilities among administrative departments hinder equitable and consistent implementation nationwide.
- Prosecutorial Strengths vs. Sustainability Challenges: The prosecutorial-led LPIL model enables efficient use of judicial resources, facilitating swift resolutions and substantial progress in land governance. However, its heavy reliance on prosecutorial limits public participation, transparency, and the system’s ability to sustain long-term impact.
- Judiciary-Driven System vs. Diverse Stakeholder Inclusion: While prosecutorial leadership ensures professional litigation, it excludes potential contributions from NGOs, individuals, and other stakeholders. Expanding plaintiff eligibility, relaxing participation criteria, and providing financial support for social organizations can diversify the system and enhance its responsiveness.
- Rigid Oversight vs. Flexible Accountability: While strict standards ensure accountability in administrative oversight, excessive rigidity may disregard practical constraints faced by agencies. Establishing clearer authority boundaries and adopting flexible, context-sensitive standards can balance accountability with governance feasibility.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Zhang, J.; Tang, S.; Cui, Y.; Ji, A. Reforming Land Public Interest Litigation in China: Addressing Legal and Practical Barriers. Land 2024, 13, 2019.
Zhang J, Tang S, Cui Y, Ji A. Reforming Land Public Interest Litigation in China: Addressing Legal and Practical Barriers. Land. 2024; 13(12):2019.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Jing, Shuchen Tang, Yongcun Cui, and Aitong Ji. 2024. "Reforming Land Public Interest Litigation in China: Addressing Legal and Practical Barriers" Land 13, no. 12: 2019.
APA StyleZhang, J., Tang, S., Cui, Y., & Ji, A. (2024). Reforming Land Public Interest Litigation in China: Addressing Legal and Practical Barriers. Land, 13(12), 2019.