Prediction Consistency Regularization for Learning with Noise Labels Based on Contrastive Clustering
<p>Sensitivity of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi>λ</mi> </semantics></math>. We show the evolution of test accuracy during training with varying values of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi>λ</mi> </semantics></math>.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Sensitivity of <span class="html-italic">K</span>. (<b>a</b>–<b>d</b>) show the evolution of test accuracy, while (<b>e</b>,<b>f</b>) show the evolution of purity on the training set.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Ablation study. (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) show the evolution of test accuracy, while (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>) show the evolution of purity on the training set.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>t-SNE Visualization of learned representations on the CIFAR-10 training set with 0.8 symmetric noise. Each color represents a distinct class, and all points are colored according to clean labels.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1. Learning with Noisy Labels
2.2. Contrastive Learning
3. Method
3.1. Problem Formulation
3.2. Twin Contrastive Clustering
3.3. Injecting Label Information to TCC
3.4. Prediction Consistency Regularization Based on Clustering
Algorithm 1: Training Algorithm |
4. Experiment
4.1. Evaluation on Synthetic Noise
4.2. Evaluation on Real-World Noise
4.3. Sensitivity of Hyperparameters
4.4. Ablation Study
4.5. Representations Evaluation
4.6. Training Time Analysis
5. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Derivation of ELBO
Appendix B. Calculation of the Expectation Term
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Method | Sym. Noise Rate | Asy. Noise Rate | |||||
0.2 | 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | |
CE | |||||||
Forward | |||||||
GCE | |||||||
SCE | |||||||
ELR | |||||||
GJS | |||||||
Co-learning | |||||||
TPCR | |||||||
TPCR(f) |
Method | Sym. Noise Rate | Asy. Noise Rate | |||||
0.2 | 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | |
Standard CE | |||||||
Forward | |||||||
GCE | |||||||
SCE | |||||||
ELR | |||||||
GJS | |||||||
Co-learning | |||||||
TPCR | |||||||
TPCR(f) |
Cross Entropy | Decoupling | Co-Teaching | Co-Teaching+ | JoCoR | Co-Learning | TPCR | TPCR(f) |
Label | Methods | ||||||
y | ELR | 74.51 | 75.50 | 75.30 | 75.18 | 74.87 | 74.30 |
GJS | 78.36 | 79.30 | 79.68 | 79.60 | 79.68 | 79.42 | |
Co-learning | 81.42 | 82.01 | 81.53 | 80.88 | 80.09 | 79.07 | |
TPCR | 85.27 | 85.24 | 85.27 | 85.08 | 84.97 | 84.56 | |
ELR | 73.50 | 73.57 | 73.55 | 73.66 | 73.60 | 73.65 | |
GJS | 78.44 | 78.52 | 78.80 | 78.82 | 78.88 | 78.72 | |
Co-learning | 76.93 | 77.68 | 78.25 | 78.06 | 77.78 | 77.27 | |
TPCR | 84.52 | 84.55 | 84.76 | 84.63 | 84.45 | 84.18 | |
ELR | 32.97 | 42.72 | 69.00 | 72.75 | 73.42 | 73.86 | |
GJS | 30.20 | 42.10 | 71.84 | 76.94 | 78.82 | 79.32 | |
Co-learning | 32.57 | 41.97 | 71.53 | 76.57 | 78.43 | 78.61 | |
TPCR | 36.74 | 49.03 | 79.95 | 83.49 | 84.36 | 84.21 |
ELR | GJS | Co-Learning | TPCR |
h | h | h | h |
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Sun, X.; Zhang, S.; Ma, S. Prediction Consistency Regularization for Learning with Noise Labels Based on Contrastive Clustering. Entropy 2024, 26, 308.
Sun X, Zhang S, Ma S. Prediction Consistency Regularization for Learning with Noise Labels Based on Contrastive Clustering. Entropy. 2024; 26(4):308.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSun, Xinkai, Sanguo Zhang, and Shuangge Ma. 2024. "Prediction Consistency Regularization for Learning with Noise Labels Based on Contrastive Clustering" Entropy 26, no. 4: 308.
APA StyleSun, X., Zhang, S., & Ma, S. (2024). Prediction Consistency Regularization for Learning with Noise Labels Based on Contrastive Clustering. Entropy, 26(4), 308.