Characteristic features of security management for the cyber-physical system (CPS) have been distinguished. Existing approaches to the CPS security management have been systematized and their limited use in the CPS has been shown. An homeostatic approach to security management based on the CPS functional stability preservation has been proposed. A structure of homeostat for controlling the CPS has been described. A homeostatic model has been developed using logical predicates. The criteria for assessing the functional stability of the CPS have been proposed. The results of experimental studies showing the applicability of the proposed criteria have been presented.
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Original Russian Text © D.P. Zegzhda, E.Yu. Pavlenko, 2017, published in Problemy Informatsionnoi Bezopasnosti, Komp’yuternye Sistemy.
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Zegzhda, D.P., Pavlenko, E.Y. Cyber-physical system homeostatic security management. Aut. Control Comp. Sci. 51, 805–816 (2017). https://doi.org/10.3103/S0146411617080260
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3103/S0146411617080260