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ISSN 1006-9895

CN 11-1768/O4





国家公益性行业 (气象) 科研专项GYHY201006021, 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目2010CB950403、2009CB421405

Analyses of the Causes of Severe Drought Occurring in Southwest China from the Fall of 2009 to the Spring of 2010

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    我国西南地区从2009年秋季到2010年春季发生了严重干旱, 这次干旱无论持续时间和发生区域或降水减少程度都是近50年来所罕见的, 因而本文利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和海温资料从热带西太平洋和热带印度洋热力异常对热带西太平洋和南亚上空大气环流的影响来分析了这次西南地区干旱发生的成因。分析结果表明: 从2009年秋到2010年春季, 热带西太平洋和热带印度洋处于升温状态, 它使得热带西太平洋上空产生反气旋异常环流, 造成了西南气流异常在我国东南沿海加强, 而华南和华中地区上空处于低槽控制, 因而在高原东部为槽后西北气流和下沉气流所控制, 造成了从孟加拉湾来的水汽很难到达云贵高原, 从而引起了此区域降水长期偏少。并且, 分析结果还表明了中高纬度地区的环流异常对此次严重干旱也有重要影响。由于从2009年冬季到2010年春季中高纬度准定常行星波传播的极地波导偏强, 而低纬波导偏弱, 这导致波的E-P通量在60°N附近对流层和平流层为辐合, 而在35°N附近对流层中、上层为辐散, 从而引起纬向平均西风在60°N附近对流层和平流层减弱, 而在35°N附近对流层中、上层加强, 造成了北极涛动 (AO) 为很大的负值。由于AO为负值, 东亚冬季冷空气活动强且路径偏东, 使得到达西南地区冷空气偏弱, 从而引起西南地区持续性严重干旱的发生。


    A severe drought occurred in Southwest China from the fall of 2009 to the spring of 2010. Either its persistent time and area or decreased amount of rainfall were less observed during the last 50 years. Thus, in this paper, the occurring causes of this drought are analyzed by using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and SST data from the impacts of thermal anomalies in the tropical western Pacific (TWP) and the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) on the atmospheric circulation over the TWP and South Asia. The results show that during the period from the fall of 2009 to the spring of 2010, both the TWP and the TIO were in a warming state. Under the common thermal effect of both oceans, a strong anticyclonic anomalous circulation appeared in the lower troposphere over the TWP and the South China Sea, which caused not only the strengthening of the southwest flow anomaly, but also the appearance of a low trough anomaly over South China and Central China. In this case, the northwest flow anomaly and descending flow anomaly behind the trough controlled the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, and water vapor was difficultly transported from the Bay of Bengal into the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau (Yun-Gui Plateau in short). Thus, less rainfall for a long time was caused in this region. Moreover, the analysis results also show that the circulation anomaly over the mid- and high latitudes had an important impact on the severe drought. Since the polar wave guide of quasi-stationary planetary wave propagations over the high latitudes was stronger, but the low-latitude wave guide was weaker from the fall of 2009 to the spring of 2010, which led to convergence and divergence of the wave E-P fluxes for quasi-stationary planetary waves in the upper troposphere and the stratosphere over the region about 60°N and in the middle and upper troposphere over the region about 35°N, respectively. Thus, the zonal mean wind was weakened in the upper troposphere and the stratosphere over the region about 60°N, but it was strengthened in the upper troposphere over the region about 35°N. This caused an obviously negative phase of the AO (Arctic Oscillation) and brought strong winter monsoon and eastward tracks of cold waves into East Asia, which led to a weakening of cold air arriving in Southwest China. Thereby, the persistent severe drought occurred in Southwest China.


黄荣辉,刘永,王林,王磊.2009年秋至2010年春我国西南地区严重干旱的成因分析.大气科学,2012,36(3):443~457 HUANG Ronghui, LIU Yong, WANG Lin, WANG Lei. Analyses of the Causes of Severe Drought Occurring in Southwest China from the Fall of 2009 to the Spring of 2010. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in Chinese),2012,36(3):443~457

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  • 收稿日期:2011-05-27
  • 最后修改日期:2011-09-15
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  • 在线发布日期: 2012-04-28
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