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"Ashfall" Induced by Molecular Outflow in Protostar Evolution

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Published 2021 October 15 © 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Yusuke Tsukamoto et al 2021 ApJL 920 L35 DOI 10.3847/2041-8213/ac2b2f

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Dust growth and its associated dynamics play key roles in the first phase of planet formation in young stellar objects. Observations have detected signs of dust growth in very young protoplanetary disks. Furthermore, signs of planet formation, gaps in the disk at a distance of several tens of au from the central protostar, are also reported. From a theoretical point of view, however, planet formation in the outer regions is difficult due to the rapid inward drift of dust, called the radial drift barrier. Here, on the basis of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulations of disk evolution with dust growth, we propose a mechanism called the "ashfall" phenomenon, induced by a powerful molecular outflow driven by a magnetic field that may circumvent the radial drift barrier. We find that the large dust that grows to a size of about a centimeter in the inner region of a disk is entrained by an outflow from the disk. Then, large dust decoupled from gas is ejected from the outflow due to centrifugal force, enriching the grown dust in the envelope and eventually falls onto the outer edge of the disk. The overall process is similar to the behavior of ashfall from volcanic eruptions. In the ashfall phenomenon, the Stokes number of dust increases by reaccreting to the less dense disk outer edge. This may allow the dust grains to overcome the radial drift barrier. Consequently, the ashfall phenomenon can provide a crucial assist for making the formation of the planetesimals in outer regions of the disk possible, and hence the formation of wide-orbit planets and gaps.

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1. Introduction

The physics of dust growth and related dynamics during protostar evolution has attracted a great deal of attention. Dust growth is the first step in planet formation, and knowing when and where it begins is an essential part of a unified understanding of star and planet formation. Recent observations of dust thermal emission have shown that dust growth begins in the early phase of protostar evolution. For example, an observed decrease in the dust spectral index can be interpreted as a sign of dust growth (Kwon et al. 2009; Miotello et al. 2014; Pérez et al. 2015; Tazzari et al. 2016; Carrasco-González et al. 2019). In addition, the variation of the dust polarization pattern with different wavelengths, as observed in some sources, e.g., HL Tau, may be due to self-scattering of grown dust (Kataoka et al. 2016).

Another rather indirect observational indication of dust growth and planet formation in the early phase of protostar evolution is the gaps at several tens of au in protoplanetary disks (ALMA Partnership et al. 2015; Fedele et al. 2017, 2018; Andrews et al. 2018; Long et al. 2018). The widely accepted hypothesis to explain the gaps is that the planets already formed in the disk generate the gaps through their gravitational torque (Dipierro et al. 2015; Kanagawa et al. 2015). The hypothesis assumes planet formation in the outer region of the disk at a distance of several tens of au from the central protostar prior to the gap formation. However, this contradicts the prediction of the standard theory of dust dynamics and evolution in the protostar system; as dust grows in the early phase of disk evolution and its Stokes number increases to St ∼ 1, the dust begins to drift inward due to the headwind of disk gas, thereby suppressing planetesimal and planet formation, especially at a distance of several tens of au from the central protostar (Okuzumi et al. 2012; Carrera et al. 2017), the effect of which is known as the radial drift barrier (Weidenschilling 1977). Therefore, some unknown mechanism that counters or circumvents the radial drift in the outer region is necessary to corroborate the standard theory about the gap formation.

Previous studies that investigated dust growth in the early stages of protostar evolution were based on one-zone approximations or one-dimensional simulations of an isolated disk (Birnstiel et al. 2012; Okuzumi et al. 2012; Hirashita & Li 2013) or ignored the effect of magnetic fields (Vorobyov et al. 2018). In other words, none of them considered how the dust grows and dynamically evolves in three-dimensional space under the influence of various gas dynamics in a real protostellar system, such as outflow driving induced by magnetic fields.

Recently, Lebreuilly et al. (2020) investigated dust dynamics in the cloud core collapse with a three-dimensional MHD simulation with dust size distribution and suggested that the dust with a size of ≳100 μm existing in the molecular cloud core radially drifts during its collapse and settles in the newly born disk and enhances its dust-to-gas mass ratio. However, the dust growth is not calculated in their simulations.

In this paper, on the basis of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulations of a dust–gas mixture that consider the dust growth, we propose a mechanism, the "ashfall" phenomenon, induced by molecular outflow driven by a magnetic field in protostar evolution, that can circumvent the radial drift barrier.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the method and initial conditions of our simulation. Then, in Section 3, we describe the simulation results. Finally, our results are discussed in Section 4.

2. Methods and Initial Conditions

2.1. Numerical Methods

We solve two-fluid magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations for a dust–gas mixture. The details of the governing equations and numerical scheme are described in our previous paper (Tsukamoto et al. 2021). In Tsukamoto et al. (2021), we also showed that treating charged and neutral dust as a single fluid is justified for investigating the dynamics of the dust with a size of ad ≳ 10 μm, which is the focus of this paper.

In addition to the governing equations presented in Tsukamoto et al. (2021), we further solve the equation for the dust size evolution with single-size approximation (e.g., Sato et al. 2016; Tsukamoto et al. 2017) as follows. The equation for the time evolution of the dust size ad is given by

Equation (1)

where ${t}_{\mathrm{growth}}=1/(\pi {a}_{d}^{2}{n}_{d}{\rm{\Delta }}{v}_{\mathrm{dust}})$, nd is the dust number density, Δvdust is the collision velocity between the dust grains, Dd /Dt = ∂/∂t + vd · ∇, vd is the (mean) dust velocity, and

Equation (2)

is a factor to model the collisional mass gain and loss (Okuzumi et al. 2016). The dust gains and loses mass when Δvdust < Δvfrag and Δvdust > Δvfrag, respectively, through dust collisions. To evaluate the dust relative velocity between the dust Δvdust, we consider the subgrid scale turbulence and Brownian motion, and the relative velocity is given as Δvdust = Δvturb + ΔvB (for details, see Appendix A).

We model Equation (2) so that it reproduces the results of the collision simulations of dust aggregates (Wada et al. 2013). In this study, we set Δvfrag = 30 m s−1. We can rewrite Dd /Dt as

Equation (3)

where v is the barycentric velocity of the dust–gas mixture, ρg is the gas density, v g is the gas velocity, ρ = ρg + ρd is the total density, ρd is the dust density, epsilon = ρd /ρ, and Δ v = v d v g . Using this relation, we can rewrite Equation (1),

Equation (4)

The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) discretization form of this equation is given as

Equation (5)

where the last term is an artificial viscosity and ${v}_{\mathrm{sig},{\rm{\Delta }}{\boldsymbol{v}}}\,=\tfrac{1}{2}({c}_{s,i}+{c}_{s,j})+3{\beta }_{\mathrm{visc}}\min (0,({\rm{\Delta }}{{\boldsymbol{v}}}_{i}-{\rm{\Delta }}{{\boldsymbol{v}}}_{j})\cdot {{\boldsymbol{e}}}_{{ij}})$ is the signal velocity, where cs,i is the sound velocity of the ith particle and e ij = ( r i r j )/∣ r i r j ∣. We choose βvisc = 2.

The time step for dust advection is chosen to be

Equation (6)

where hi is the smoothing length of the ith particle.

During the simulations, the epsiloni of a few particles are found to become negative (in particular in the outflow regions) with ∣epsiloni ∣ ≲ 10−7. When this happens, we correct epsiloni to be ∣epsiloni ∣ and maintain it positive. We confirm that the error of the total dust mass introduced with this correction is negligible because the absolute value of the negative epsiloni , as well as the number of the particles with epsiloni < 0, is very small.

Our numerical simulations consider nonideal MHD effects, including the ohmic and ambipolar diffusions, but ignore the Hall effect. For the resistivity model, we adopt the resistivity table with ad = 0.035 μm presented in Tsukamoto et al. (2020). Thus, the dust size for dust dynamics and that for the resistivity table are not consistent with each other in our present simulations.

A sink particle is dynamically introduced when the density exceeds ρsink = 10−12 g cm−3. The sink particle absorbs SPH particles with ρ > ρsink within rsink < 1 au.

2.2. Initial Conditions

The initial condition of the cloud core is as follows. We adopt the density-enhanced Bonnor–Ebert sphere surrounded by a medium with a steep density profile of ρr−4 as the initial condition, which is

Equation (7)


Equation (8)

where ξBE is a nondimensional density profile of the critical Bonnor–Ebert sphere. The steep density profile in r > Rc is introduced to reduce the particle number and unnecessary computational costs. Here f is a numerical factor related to the strength of the gravity, and Rc = 6.45a is the radius of the cloud core. In this study, we adopt ρ0 = 7.3 × 10−18 g cm−3, ρ0/ρ(Rc ) = 14, and f = 2.1. Then, the radius of the core is Rc = 4.8 × 103 au, and the enclosed mass within Rc is Mc = 1 M. We adopt an angular velocity profile of ${\rm{\Omega }}(d)={{\rm{\Omega }}}_{0}/(\exp (10(d/(1.5{R}_{c}))-1)+1)$ with $d=\sqrt{{x}^{2}+{y}^{2}}$ and Ω0 = 2.3 × 10−13 s−1. We adopt a constant magnetic field (Bx , By , Bz ) = (0, 0, 83 μG). The parameter αtherm ( ≡ Etherm/Egrav) is 0.4, where Etherm and Egrav are the thermal and gravitational energies of the central core (without the surrounding medium), respectively. The ratio of the rotational to gravitational energies βrot within the core is βrot ( ≡ Erot/Egrav) = 0.03, where Erot is the rotational energy of the core. The mass-to-flux ratio of the core is μ/μcrit = 3. We resolve 1 M with 3 × 106 SPH particles. We adopt a dust density profile of ${\rho }_{d}(r)={f}_{\mathrm{dg}}{\rho }_{g}(r)/(\exp (10(r/(1.5{R}_{c}))-1)+1)$, where fdg = 10−2 is the dust-to-gas mass ratio. The dust density profile has the same shape as the gas density profile in r ≲ 1.5Rc but is truncated at r ≥ 1.5Rc . The initial dust size is ad = 0.1 μm.

3. Results

3.1. Time Evolution

We simulated the evolution of a protostar, a protoplanetary disk, and an outflow until 1.2 × 104 yr after the epoch of protostar formation. Figure 1 shows the time evolution at four epochs of the gas density, dust density, dust size, and dust-to-gas mass ratio on the xz plane, where the x- and z-axes are perpendicular and parallel to the rotation axis of the parent core, respectively.

Figure 1. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.

Figure 1. Time evolution of the (a) gas density, (b) dust density, (c) dust size, and (d) dust-to-gas mass ratio on the xz plane, where the x- and z-axes are perpendicular and parallel to the rotation axis of the parent core, respectively. Red and orange arrows show the velocity field of the dust and gas, respectively, on the xz plane. Red and orange lines show their respective streamlines. White lines show the magnetic field. Black lines are the contour of the quantity of each panel. The contour levels are (a) ρg = 10−18, 10−17.5, ⋯ , 10−11 g cm−3; (b) ρd = 10−20, 10−19.5, ⋯ , 10−13 g cm−3; (c) ad = 10−6, 10−5.5, ⋯ , 100 cm; and (d) epsilon = 4 × 10−3, ⋯ , 1.6 × 10−2. Magenta lines are the contour of ρg = 10−13 g cm−3, within which is considered a disk.

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At the epoch t* = 3 × 103 yr (panels (1-a)–(1-d) in Figure 1), where t* = 0 corresponds to the formation epoch of the protostar, the bipolar outflow has been formed, and gas and dust are blown out from the central region. At this stage, however, the dust has not grown significantly, with a maximum size of ≲10 μm, which is found at the center of the system. The grown dust is distributed only in the vicinity of the disk (panel (1-c)). Given the small maximum size of the dust, the dust and gas should still be fully coupled, which is supported by the facts that their density structures are identical (panels (1-a) and (1-b)) and the dust-to-gas mass ratio remains at the initial value of 0.01 (panel (1-d)).

At t* = 5 × 103 yr (panels (2-a)–(2-d)), the maximum size of the dust reaches ∼100 μm at the center, and dust with a size of ad ∼ 10 μm begins to be entrained by the outflow (panel (2-c)). Panels (2-a), (2-b), and (2-d) indicate that the dust and gas begin to decouple in the outflow, and dust spreads out of the outflow. As a result, the dust-to-gas mass ratio begins to decrease inside the outflow (panel (2-d)).

At t* = 7 × 103 yr (panels (3-a)–(3-d)), the dust with a size of ad ∼ 100 μm is distributed over a large area of a few hundred au across. The streamlines and arrows indicate that the dust moves parallel to the x-axis inside the outflow, while the gas moves parallel to the z-axis (panels (3-a), (3-b), and (3-d)). This indicates that the dust decoupled from the gas is ejected from the rotating outflow due to centrifugal force. Furthermore, some dust streamlines do not diverge but take a closed path, meaning that some of the large dust is refluxed from the outflow to the envelope. The ejection further decreases the amount of dust in the outflow. In addition, the ejected dust gathers around the outflow, forming a U-shaped dust-enhanced region, which is clearly visible in the dust–gas mass ratio map (panel (3-d)).

At t* = 1.1 × 104 yr (panels (4-a)–(4-d)), the dust with a size of ad ≳ 1 mm is distributed over a large area of several hundred au across (panel (4-c)). The streamlines and velocity field of the dust clearly indicate that the dust moves from the outflow back to the envelope (panels (4-a), (4-b), and (4-d)), while the streamlines and velocity field of the gas show that the gas is released to the interstellar medium (ISM). At this epoch, the gas and dust density distributions in the outflow are markedly different. This is caused by the dust–gas decoupling in the outflow. The majority of the large dust in the outflow has been refluxed to the envelope.

3.2. Ashfall: Reflux of Large Dust from Outflow to the Disk Outer Edge

Figure 2 shows three-dimensional streamlines of the gas and dust at t* = 1.1 × 104 yr. The gas streamlines show that the gas is rotating and outflowing from the surface of the disk and blown away. By contrast, the dust streamlines indicate different dusty dynamics from that of the gas. The dust also outflows from the inner part of the disk. Then it immediately decouples from the gas in the outflow. Since the outflow rotates as shown in the streamline of the gas, the centrifugal force drives the dust toward the radial direction. Gravity then pulls it back toward the disk, and the grown dust accretes to the edge of the disk.

Figure 2. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2. The left and right panels show streamlines of gas (orange) and dust (red), respectively, at t* = 1.1 × 104 yr. Arrows indicate the velocity field of the gas (left panel) and dust (right panel) on the xz plane. The yellow isosurfaces show the protoplanetary disk. The color scale shows the dust-to-gas mass ratio and is identical in the left and right panels.

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The overall process is schematically shown in Figure 3 and is very similar to ashfall from volcanic eruptions, where the dust–gas mixture is ejected from the crater and then the gas and dust decouple in the atmosphere, causing the dust (or ash) to fall selectively. Hence, we name this the "ashfall" phenomenon in protostar evolution.

Figure 3. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3. Schematic drawing of overall dust evolution in the ashfall phenomenon.

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3.3. Amount of Refluxed Dust

The reflux of the large dust due to the ashfall phenomenon increases the amount of dust in the accretion flow from the envelope and thus the dust-to-gas mass ratio in the disk. Figure 4 shows the time evolution of the mean dust-to-gas mass ratio of the disk Md,disk/Mg,disk and the mean dust size ∫ρ ad dV/∫ρ dV in the disk, where the integration is performed within the disk. Here we define the disk as a region with the gas density ρg > 10−13 g cm−3. We find that, in an early phase of t* < 5 × 103 yr, where the mean dust size is ad ≲ 102 μm, the dust-to-gas mass ratio stays constant at Mdust/Mgas = 10−2, maintaining the initial value. This fact implies that the amount of refluxed dust is negligibly small, presumably because the outflowing dust is well coupled with gas and is not ejected from the outflow.

Figure 4. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.

Figure 4. Evolution of the (solid line) dust-to-gas mass ratio and (dashed line) mean dust size in the protoplanetary disk as a function of time after the protostar formation. Dotted lines show ${a}_{d}\propto \exp (t/{t}_{g})$ for growth timescales of tg = 1.3 × 103, 4 × 102, and 4 × 103 yr.

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Once the dust has grown to a size of ad ≳ 102 μm at t* ∼ 4 × 103 yr, the dust-to-gas mass ratio begins to increase as a result of the increase of the amount of dust in the accretion flow from the envelope due to the dust reflux. The dust-to-gas mass ratio keeps increasing and becomes epsilon ∼ 0.01 at the end epoch of the simulation (t* ∼ 1.2 × 104 yr), implying that ∼10% of the dust in the disk is the refluxed large dust.

Note that the increase of the dust-to-gas mass ratio in the disk is a consequence of the dust growth in the disk and the dust reflux, and hence, in contrast to Lebreuilly et al. (2020), it is not a consequence of dust drift in the prestellar collapse phase. We start from a dust size of 0.1 μm and, with this dust size, the dust and gas are essentially completely coupled and maintain the initial dust-to-gas mass ratio of 10−2 during the prestellar collapse phase (see Figures (1-d) and 4 at t* = 0).

Note also that ad obtained in the single-size approximation represents the peak-mass dust size (Sato et al. 2016), and the contribution of smaller dust to the dust density may be minor (at least with an MRN-like size distribution). Therefore, we expect that an ∼10% increase in the dust-to-gas mass ratio in the disk shown in Figure 4 may be realized even by considering a more realistic dust size distribution. Future studies of dust size distribution are imperative to confirm this prediction.

3.4. Enhancement of Dust-to-gas Mass Ratio in the Upper Envelope and Formation of the U-shaped Dust-enhanced Region

Figure 5 shows the gas density, dust density, and dust–gas ratio for a 1500 au scale at t* = 1.1 × 104 yr. The gas density map shows that the gas is relatively dense inside the outflow, while the dust density is significantly depleted inside the outflow and enriched around the outflow, forming a U-shaped dust enhancement. In the dust-enhanced region, the dust-to-gas mass ratio is as high as 0.015, which is a roughly 50% increase from that of the typical ISM.

Figure 5. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.

Figure 5. Large-scale (1500 au across) structure of the (a) gas density, (b) dust density, and (c) dust-to-gas mass ratio at t* = 1.1 × 104 yr on the xz plane, as in Figure 1. See the caption of Figure 1 for notation. The contour levels are (a) ρg = 10−20, 10−19.5, ⋯ , 10−11 g cm−3; (b) ρd = 10−22, 10−21.5, ⋯ , 10−13 g cm−3; and (c) epsilon = 4 × 10−3, 4 × 10−3, ⋯ , 1.6 × 10−2.

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A similar U-shaped dust-enhanced region has been observed in some class 0/I young stellar objects (YSOs), where the dust thermal emission was not detected, or was much weaker than the surrounding regions, inside the outflow (such as L1527, HOPS 136, B335, and IRAS 15398–3559; Yen et al. 2010; Fischer et al. 2014; Yen et al. 2017; Harris et al. 2018; Maury et al. 2018). The reason for the lack of detection of the dust thermal emission inside the outflow while it was detected in the surrounding regions has been thought to be the low gas density in the outflow. However, our simulation suggests that dust cavities are formed due to the ejection of large dust from the outflow by centrifugal force. Then, this implies that the U-shaped dust enhancement is an indicator of the growth of dust in the disk and outflow.

4. Discussion

4.1. Ashfall Phenomenon in Protostar Evolution

In this paper, we propose a new type of dust dynamics, i.e., the ashfall phenomenon, in protostar evolution, in which the grown dust in the disk is blown away by outflows and then refluxed onto the outer edge of the disk. The process consists of the following four steps (see also the schematic drawing in Figure 3):

  • (i)  
    dust growth in the disk where the density is sufficiently high and the dust growth timescale tgrowth is as short as tgrowth ∼ 103 yr (see Appendix B and Figure 4);
  • (ii)  
    large dust with ad > 1 mm being entrained by the powerful magnetized outflow launched from the inner region of the disk;
  • (iii)  
    decoupling of the gas and dust in the outflow and dust ejection from the outflow due to centrifugal force, leading to a U-shaped dust-enhanced region around the outflow; and
  • (iv)  
    mixing of the grown dust into the envelope accretion flow and the reflux of the large dust to the disk outer edge.

The ashfall supplies a nonnegligible amount of large dust to the outer edge of the disk even shortly after protostar formation (t ∼ 104 yr) and keeps increasing (∼10% of the total amount of the accreting dust from the envelope; see Figure 4).

4.2. Implications for Planet Formation

The outer edge of a disk has a lower surface density than its inner region, and the Stokes number St is inversely proportional to the gas surface density Σg , given by St = π ρmat ad /(2Σg ), where ρmat is the dust internal density. Therefore, the Stokes number of dust increases when the dust is refluxed to the disk outer edge. As a result, the dust of St < 1 at the inner region of the disk can have St > 1 when it is refluxed to the disk edge.

More quantitatively, we make the following estimates. We assume the disk has an exponential tail (as suggested from observations; Williams & Cieza 2011) connected to the envelope with an accretion shock (e.g., Miura et al. 2017). The envelope surface density at the connection with the edge of the disk (upstream of the accretion shock) is estimated as ${{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{{\rm{envelope}}}={\dot{M}}_{{\rm{gas}}}/(2\pi {{rv}}_{r})$, where ${v}_{r}=\sqrt{2{{GM}}_{\mathrm{star}}/r}$. Then, the disk surface density at the edge of the disk (downstream of accretion shock) is roughly given as

Equation (9)

by assuming the shock is isothermal. Hence, the Stokes number at the disk outer edge is

Equation (10)

where ${\dot{M}}_{\mathrm{gas}}$ is the mass accretion rate. Note that St can be even larger by a factor of ${\left({v}_{r}/{c}_{s}\right)}^{2}(\sim 40$ with our parameters) when the accretion shock is adiabatic and the density increase from the shock compression is small. Note also that the downstream density also decreases when the shock is oblique. This estimate suggests that the dust of ad ≳ 1 cm can already be St ≳ 1 when it is refluxed to the disk edge.

As such, the ashfall phenomenon can provide a pathway to circumvent the radial drift barrier and may allow dust to grow into planetesimals in the outer region of the disk. Thus, the large dust could be the embryo of the planetesimal at the outer region of the disk.

Note that the radial drift barrier is conventionally regarded as a problem in class II/III YSOs. Actually, the radial drift universally occurs even in class 0/I YSOs, once the rotationally supported protostellar disk is created and dust growth starts. For example, Tsukamoto et al. (2017) showed that dust growth and radial drift also happens in a disk of class 0/I YSOs. In this sense, the occurrence of the radial drift barrier is not limited to class II/III YSOs.

On the other hand, some molecular outflows seem to last longer and remain even in class II YSOs (e.g., Hartigan et al. 1995). Thus, although our simulation stops at t ∼ 104 yr after protostar formation (i.e., investigating the evolution of class 0/I YSOs), we can expect that the ashfall mechanism also plays a role even in class II YSOs (or possibly more importantly because the Stokes number of the refluxed dust at the disk edge increases as envelope accretion diminishes; see Equation (10)).

In addition, a significant amount of large dust whose Stokes number is close to unity refluxed to the disk provides an ideal condition for the growth of the secular gravitational instability (SGI; Takahashi & Inutsuka 2014, 2016; Tominaga et al. 2018, 2020), which is expected to be a powerful mechanism for creating rings and planetesimals in the outer region of the disk. Since SGI creates many axisymmetric dusty ring structures in the disk and may subsequently create planetesimals, a combination of the ashfall and subsequent SGI can be an explanation for the multiple ringlike structures observed in protoplanetary disks (ALMA Partnership et al. 2015; Fedele et al. 2017, 2018; Andrews et al. 2018; Long et al. 2018). It is interesting to note that the very first example of those disks, HL Tau, is known to possess bipolar molecular outflow and collimated jetlike structures. The coexistence of outflows/jets and very ordered axisymmetric multiple ringlike structures in the disk has been puzzling us since its discovery in 2014. Now we are proposing that these two processes might actually be cooperating in such an object.

4.3. Implication for Observations of Class 0 YSOs

Another important implication of ashfall is that the reflux of the large dust into the envelope of ∼1000 au may explain the presence of grown dust in the envelope suggested by the observations. As shown in, e.g., Kwon et al. (2009) and Galametz et al. (2019), the spectral index of dust opacity β in the envelope of some class 0 YSOs is lower than that of the ISM. We expect that this is explained by large dust supplied from the disk to the envelope by the outflow.

4.4. Comparison with Previous Studies

Recently, Lebreuilly et al. (2020) conducted a nonideal MHD simulation with dust fluids including dust size distribution for the first time. Here we summarize the novel points of our work in comparison with Lebreuilly et al. (2020).

The essential points of our study are that we show, for the first time, with a three-dimensional nonideal MHD simulation with dust growth, that the chain of steps (i)–(iv) (see above) self-consistently occurs. We also suggest that this mechanism can be a theoretical breakthrough to overcome the radial drift barrier.

On the other hand, Lebreuilly et al. (2020), in the context of step (i), discussed the importance of dust growth in the discussion section (Section 7.5) but did not include dust growth in their simulations. We improve this point by actually solving the dust growth in the simulation. In the context of step (ii), they showed that the dust size with ∼100 μm can be entrained by outflow. On the other hand, we show that much larger dust of ad > 1 mm (which has a more than 10 times longer stopping time) can be entrained. In the context of step (iii), from their results, whether the dust decoupling and ejection from the outflow occurs is not clear. They showed that the dust is enriched (rather than depleted) in the outflow, suggesting that the dust and gas are relatively well coupled. This may be reasonable because the dust stopping time in the outflow in their simulations is more than 10 times smaller than in ours. Note, however, that they set a numerical upper limit of 1 km s−1 on the dust–gas relative velocity, which is smaller than the relative velocity realized in our simulation (see arrows of Figures (3-a) and (4-b)). We think this treatment may restrict the range of relative motion between gas and dust and affect the dynamics of dust grains such as ejection. We improve this point by explicitly solving the time dependence of the relative velocity without a velocity limit. In the context of step (iv), the reflux to the disk outer edge seems to be missing in their results or presentation.

Finally, we briefly comment on the relation of our ashfall phenomenon to the long-standing problem of chondrule and calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) formation. By showing that dust reflux can happen, our simulation supports the formation model of CAIs and chondrules with a bipolar outflow (e.g., Shu et al. 2001; Haugbølle et al. 2019), where the reflux is analytically discussed to occur from the inner to outer parts of a disk. New insights into the formation process of CAIs and chondrules will be gained with future studies of two-fluid radiation MHD simulations of the dusty gas with the resolution to the vicinity of the central protostar.

We thank Dr. Satoshi Okuzumi for the comments. The computations were performed on the Cray XC50 system at CfCA of NAOJ. This work is supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant Nos. 18H05437, 18K13581, and 18K03703.

Appendix A: Dust Relative Velocity

For the turbulent induced dust relative velocity, we adopt the form presented by Ormel & Cuzzi (2007),

Equation (A1)

where $\delta {v}_{\mathrm{Kol}}={\mathrm{Re}}_{L}^{-1/4}$ and $\delta {v}_{L},\,{t}_{\mathrm{Kol}}={\mathrm{Re}}_{L}^{-1/2}{t}_{L}$ are the eddy velocity and turnover timescale at dissipation scale, and ${\mathrm{Re}}_{L}={{Lv}}_{L}/\nu $ is the Reynolds number. We set tstop,1 = tstop(ad ) and tstop,2 = 1/2 tstop(ad ), referring to Sato et al. (2016). For the subgrid model of turbulence, we consider an "α turbulent model," in which we choose

Equation (A2)

Equation (A3)

Equation (A4)

where αturb = 2 × 10−3 is the dimensionless parameter that determines the strength of the subgrid turbulence, and ag is the gravitational acceleration. The fluctuating velocity at the largest scale corresponds to $\delta {v}_{L}=\sqrt{{\alpha }_{\mathrm{turb}}}{c}_{s}\sim 0.05{c}_{s}$, which is a conservative value (for example, δ vL cs (αturb = 1) or δ vL ∼ 0.1cs (αturb = 10−2) is often assumed in the envelope or disk in studies of dust growth), and we do not artificially accelerate dust growth. The reason for our choice of tL (Equation (A2)) is, in a word, to model the turbulence in both envelope and disk in a common way. The former structure is determined by the self-gravity and the latter by the gravity of the central protostar. In our modeling, the length scale and largest eddy turnover timescale in the case where the self-gravity determines the structure are

Equation (A5)

where G is the gravitational constant and M(L) is the enclosed mass within the length scale L. Thus, the situation that our model assumes corresponds to the condition of tL tff and LλJ , which have been used in modeling of dust growth in the cloud core and envelope in past studies (Ormel et al. 2009; Hirashita & Li 2013).

By contrast, in the case where the gravity of the central protostar determines the structure (which primarily corresponds to the disk), the length scale and largest eddy turnover timescale are

Equation (A6)

where M* is the protostar mass. Thus, the situation that our model assumes corresponds to the condition of ${t}_{L}\sim {{\rm{\Omega }}}^{-1}\tfrac{r}{H}$. Note that the turbulence induced by magnetorotational instability (MRI) may have tL ∼ Ω−1 (Fromang & Papaloizou 2006), which is often used in the modeling of the turbulence in the disk. Thus, our model may introduce a larger relative velocity by a factor of 2 or 3 than that induced by MRI (H/r ≳ 0.1 for r ≳ 1 au in our simulation). The turbulence induced by vertical shear instability (VSI), by contrast, may have tL ∼ 10−1Ω−1 (Stoll & Kley 2016). Thus, the tL of our subgrid turbulence model falls in between those in MRI and VSI in the disk. In practice, the uncertainty is absorbed in the parameter αturb.

The relative velocity induced by Brownian motion is assumed to be

Equation (A7)

Appendix B: Dust Growth Timescale in the Envelope and Disk

First, we estimate the tgrowth of the envelope. By assuming that the relative velocity of the dust is determined by turbulence and tkol < tstop < tL , tL = tff, and tstop = ρmat ad /(vtherm ρg ), tgrowth in the envelope is given as (Ormel & Cuzzi 2007)

Equation (B1)

where we assume ρd = f ρg , and f = 10−2 is the dust-to-gas mass ratio. For each quantity, f X means ${f}_{X}=(\tfrac{f}{X})$. The ratio of the growth timescale to the freefall timescale is given as

Equation (B2)

This highlights the difficulty of dust growth in the cloud core and envelope, and dust may not grow to ≳1 μm in the envelope.

Next, we estimate the tgrowth of the disk. By assuming that the relative velocity of the dust is determined by turbulence and tkol < tstop < tL , ${\rm{\Delta }}{{\boldsymbol{v}}}_{L}=\sqrt{\alpha {c}_{s}^{2}}$, and tL = Ω−1,

Equation (B3)

In contrast to the dust growth in the envelope, the dust can quickly grow to the order of millimeters in the disk thanks to its large density, even in class 0/I YSOs.

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