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Investigation for Practical Use of Wobble Motor
Minoru Sakata, Katsumi Hosoya, and Masatoshi Ohba
Omron Corporation Wadai, Tsukuba-City, Ibaraki, Japan
Published:February 20, 1991
Keywords:Electrostatic Motor, Wobble Motor, Boundary Elements Method, Torque-Frequency Characteristics, overlay mode
Many kinds of electrostatic motor using semiconductor process technique have been investigated recently. they succeeded in obtaining fairly ideal rotation. Since these motors are very small, it is very difficult to extract power out of them. Accordingly, we tried to fabricate the millorder wobble motor, considering the merits of electrostatic force compared to the other driving force, and investigate for practical use of wobble motor. In this paper, the results of torque-frequency characteristics tests are mainly described.
Cite this article as:M. Sakata, K. Hosoya, and M. Ohba, “Investigation for Practical Use of Wobble Motor,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.3 No.1, pp. 47-51, 1991.Data files: