Emotion Prediction and Cause Analysis Considering Spatio-Temporal Distribution
Saki Kitaoka and Takashi Hasuike
Waseda University
3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan
This paper proposes an analytical model that clarifies the relationship between specific place and human emotions as well as the cause of the emotions using tweet data with location information. In addition, Twitter data with location information are analyzed to show the effectiveness of our proposed model. First, geotags are provided to collect Twitter data and increase the number of data for analysis. Second, training data with emotion labels based on the emotion expression dictionary are created and used, and supervised learning is done using fastText to obtain the emotion estimates. Finally, by using the result, topic extraction is performed to estimate the causes of the emotions. As a result, the transition of emotion in time and space as well as its cause is obtained.
Flow of our proposed method
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