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IJAT Vol.15 No.4 pp. 503-511
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2021.p0503

Technical Paper:

Study on the SUAM Double Magnet System for Polishing

Tatsuya Nakasaki, Yushi Kinoshita, Panart Khajornrungruang, Edmund Soji Otabe, and Keisuke Suzuki

Kyushu Institute of Technology
680-4 Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-8502, Japan

Corresponding author

January 18, 2021
May 24, 2021
July 5, 2021
superconductor, double magnet system, magnetic levitation tool, grinding/polishing

Superconductive assisted machining (SUAM) is a novel machining method that eliminates tool interference via magnetic levitation tools. In our study, we developed a double magnet system (DMS) to increase the maximum power of the holding force and stabilize the magnetic rotation during polishing via the higher magnetic flux compared to a single magnet system (SMS). The maximum magnetic flux density of the DMS was approximately 100 mT higher than that of the SMS. In these cases, the entire holding force increases as the distance between the superconducting bulk and lower magnet decreases. The attractive forces are maximum around a displacement of 6 mm, although the repulsive and restoring forces increase spontaneously. The polishing performances of the DMS on the SUS304 and A1100P plates were evaluated using water-based diamond slurries, for equal levitation amounts. The amount removed by the DMS increased for the A1100P and SUS304 substrates compared to that by the SMS. In this case, we observe that the deviation of the polishing area on the DMS decreases compared to that of the SMS, reflecting a more stable rotation and movement due to the higher holding force.

Cite this article as:
T. Nakasaki, Y. Kinoshita, P. Khajornrungruang, E. Otabe, and K. Suzuki, “Study on the SUAM Double Magnet System for Polishing,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.15 No.4, pp. 503-511, 2021.
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