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A Virtual Work Space for Both Hands Operations
Masahiro Ishii, Motohiro Swawatari and Makoto Sato
Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259, Nagatsuda, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226, Japan
Received:December 5, 1996Accepted:January 23, 1997Published:June 20, 1997
Keywords:Virtual reality, both hands operations, CAD, multimodel interface, human interface
Two-handed interactions are efficient to design a three dimensional (3D) object, hence a two-handed spatial interface device must facilitate such a design process in a virtual environment. In order to realize a virtual environment where an operator can use his/her both hands efficiently, it is necessary to implement a virtual reality system that is suitable to human's ability of sensory integration. We can unconsciously integrate many kinds of sensory information, e.g. visual and kinesthetic sensation. In this paper, we investigate human’s ability of sensory integration between visual sensation and kinesthesis of hands when they are in disagreement spatially, by changing the spatial relation among the operator, a visual display, and a 3D spatial interface device. Then, we implement a virtual reality system for two-handed interactions that can facilitate human’s smooth sensory integration.
Cite this article as:M. Ishii, M. Swawatari, and M. Sato, “A Virtual Work Space for Both Hands Operations,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.9 No.3, pp. 213-219, 1997.Data files: