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Variability of the Molinion meadows in Slovakia

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Biologia Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Nine vegetation types were distinguished using cluster analysis within Molinion meadows in Slovakia. Vegetation of cluster 1 occurs on most acidic soils and is characterized by the occurrence of species of the Caricion fuscae alliance and of the Nardus grasslands. Vegetation of cluster 2 is also found on rather acidic soils but in contrast to cluster 1 vegetation it contains species of base-rich sites, such as Betonica officinalis, Galium boreale or Serratula tinctoria. Vegetation of cluster 3 occurs in wet base-rich habitats and often contains species of the Caricion davallianae alliance. Species of dry and Nardus grasslands are typical for vegetation of cluster 4, which is found at the driest sites and is confined to oligotrophic sandy soils. Vegetation of clusters 5 and 6 occurs on moist mesotrophic soils. Their species composition is quite similar, the main difference being that the former includes species-poor relevés and the latter includes species-rich relevés. Relevés of cluster 7 include species of dry grasslands and some ruderal species and represent degraded types of inundated floodplain meadows of the Deschampsion alliance. Vegetation of clusters 8 is characterized by species of the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea class and of the Deschampsion alliance, and occurs in wet nutrient-rich habitats. Vegetation of cluster 9, which usually develops from vegetation of cluster 8 due to decrease in the ground-water table, often contains species of dry grasslands and mesic meadows. Except for relevés of clusters 1 and 7, all others can be assigned to the Molinietum caeruleae Koch 1926 association. Cluster 1 corresponds to the Junco effusi-Molinietum caeruleae Tüxen 1954 association. Average Ellenberg indicator values for relevés, which were passively projected on the ordination biplot of detrended correspondence analysis, showed that the first ordination axis correlates with nutrients, soil base status and temperature, and second axis with moisture.

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Řezníčková, M. Variability of the Molinion meadows in Slovakia. Biologia 62, 675–683 (2007).

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