Subclass Mapping: Identifying Common Subtypes in Independent Disease Data Sets
Figure 4
Example 3: Common subtypes of breast cancer associated with estrogen receptor (ER) status.
(a) Candidate subclass labels were assigned using hierarchical clustering in Breast-A and Breast-B data sets independently. (b) Subclass association (SA) matrix for Breast-A and Breast-B. Bonferroni-corrected p-values for the combinations of “A1 and B2”, “A1 and B4“, “A2 and B1”, “A3 and B1”, and “A3 and B3” were 0.070, 0.002, 0.023, 0.001, and 0.055, respectively (FDR-corrected p-values of 0.014, 0.001, 0.008, 0.001, and 0.014, respectively). *: ER status is missing for one case.