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Switching Networks for Pairwise-Entanglement Distribution

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Quantum networks have the potential to enhance the utility of quantum protocols (for, e.g., cryptography, communication, computation, etc.) by enabling the interoperation of multiple quantum systems. In this paper, we address the distribution of entanglement to the neighbors of a central entanglement source node equipped with a number of sources of entangled photon pairs. A switching network can be an effective component connecting the central node to its neighbors, thus enabling the reconfigurable routing of generated photons. We consider optimal (in terms of insertion loss and the number of component switches) photonic switching networks designed to satisfy the particular requirements of entanglement distribution. We begin by developing a rigorous framework for the study of such entanglement-distribution switching networks. Next, we devise and apply search strategies to design optimal switching networks applicable to entanglement source nodes with 10 or fewer neighbors. Scalable switching networks are then considered for an arbitrarily large number of neighbors, resulting in asymptotically optimal switching fabrics. For all designs, we address efficient routing algorithms for determining a switching-network state that provides the entanglement distribution desired of the switching network at a given time. The combination of optimal switching-network structures and associated efficient routing algorithms addresses a key component of entanglement distribution, thus advancing the state of the art of quantum networks toward practical implementation.

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