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Reconfigurable optical crosshaul architecture for 6G radio access networks

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The radio access network (RAN) architecture is undergoing a significant evolution to support the next-generation mobile networks and their emerging applications. To realize scalable and sustainable deployment and operations, RAN needs to consider the requirements of 6G and beyond wireless technologies such as ultra densification of cells, higher data rates, ubiquitous coverage, and new radio spectrum in the millimeter-wave band. This calls for a careful redesign of every aspect of RAN, including its crosshaul. The crosshaul is an important network segment in future RAN, capable of transporting diverse traffic types with varying stringent requirements within RAN. The crosshaul towards 6G is envisioned to be highly intelligent, reconfigurable, and adaptable to dynamic service requirements and network conditions. To this end, we propose a software defined network (SDN)-enabled reconfigurable optical crosshaul architecture (ROCA) that supports heterogeneous crosshaul transport technologies and dynamic functional splittings. ROCA enables efficient and intelligent control of the crosshaul data plane. The proposed architecture with a set of the next-generation RAN (NG-RAN) transport interfaces is evaluated using network models built on the ns-3 network simulator. Simulation results demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of different crosshaul interfaces in agreement with the understanding of respective NG-RAN interfaces from the literature, which validates the modeling accuracy. We then demonstrate the reconfigurability of the architecture using a dynamic scenario with different reconfiguration strategies for meeting the user and network demands. The results indicate that ROCA serves as a scalable and flexible foundation for supporting high-capacity delay-stringent RAN that can be used in 6G and beyond wireless technologies.

© 2023 Optica Publishing Group

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