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Robust traffic grooming and infrastructure placement in OTN-over-DWDM networks

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The advent of next-generation networks has revolutionized modern networking practices through its improved service capability as well as its numerous emerging use cases. Coupled with the increasing number of connected devices, 5G and beyond (5G$+$) network traffic is expected to be increasingly diverse and high in volume. To address the large amount of data exchanged between the 5G$+$ core and external data networks, optical transport networks (OTNs) with dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) will be leveraged. In order to prepare for this increase in traffic, network operators (NOs) must develop and expand their existing backbone networks, requiring significant levels of capital expenditures. To this end, the traffic grooming and infrastructure placement problem is critical to supporting NO decisions. The work presented in this paper considers the traffic grooming and infrastructure placement problem for OTN-over-DWDM networks. The dynamicity and diversity of 5G$+$ network traffic are addressed through the use of robust optimization, allowing for increasing levels of solution conservativeness to protect against various levels of demand uncertainty. Furthermore, a robust traffic grooming and infrastructure placement heuristic (RGIP-H) solution capable of addressing the scalability concerns of the optimization problem formulation is presented. The results presented in this work demonstrate how the tuning of the robust parameters affects the cost of the objective function. Additionally, the ability of the robust solution to protect the solution under demand uncertainty is highlighted when the robust and deterministic solutions are compared during parameter deviation trials. Finally, the performance of the RGIP-H is compared to the optimization models when applied to larger network sizes.

© 2023 Optica Publishing Group

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