Abstract—The achievable secrecy throughput of the distributed cognitive radio wireless networks (DCRWNs) is investigated in this paper. The related works on the secrecy performance mainly focus on the average value depending on nodes spatial distribution. However, these results neglect the effect of nodes location on the performance discrepancies. To break this bottleneck, a new framework is developed to derive a closed-form expression of the achievable secrecy throughput for the secondary network under the outage constraint of the primary network. Moreover, the nearest routing protocols is considered. Through the stochastic geometry analysis, it is shown that the new framework highlights the performance discrepancy resulting from spatial distribution. Besides, we derive the optimal value of connection outage probability of the SR network maximizing the successful transmission probability for DCRWNs. Index Terms—Physical layer security, stochastic geometry, cognitive radio wireless network, achievable secrecy throughput Cite: Hongyu Ma and Kai Niu, "A Novel Framework for Achievable Secrecy Throughput of Distributed Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 403-409, 2015. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.10.6.403-409