对地观测高光谱激光雷达发展及展望 Development and prospect of hyperspectral LiDAR for earth observation
- 2021年25卷第1期 页码:501-513
纸质出版日期: 2021-01-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210086
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纸质出版日期: 2021-01-07 ,
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龚威,史硕,陈必武,宋沙磊,牛铮,王成,管海燕,李伟,高帅,林沂,孙嘉,杨健,杜霖.2021.对地观测高光谱激光雷达发展及展望.遥感学报,25(1): 501-513
Gong W,Shi S,Chen B W,Song S L,Niu Z,Wang C,Guan H Y,Li W,Gao S,Lin Y,Sun J, Yang J and Du L. 2021. Development and prospect of hyperspectral LiDAR for earth observation. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(1):501-513
In the development of earth observation technology
the integrated acquisition and application for high-resolution 3D-spectral information of targets is one of the frontier scientific issues. In order to achieve the integrated acquisition of geometric characteristics and spectral information for targets
a lot of exploration studies have been carried out at home and abroad based on the current active and passive remote sensing technology. Combining the technical advantages of hyperspectral imaging and lidar ranging
multispectral/hyperspectral lidar for earth observation came into being and has become an important direction for the future development of remote sensing.This article reviews the development of the hyperspectral lidar system for earth observation in three stages. In the initial exploration stage
the research mainly focused on dual-wavelength lidar
mainly using specific wavelength lasers for specific applications. Then
in the progressive development stage
multispectral lidar was proposed to achieve spectral information acquisition of multi-wavelengths
including prototype systems with multiple single-wavelength lasers and supercontinuum lasers. Finally
in the gradual development stage
hyperspectral lidar was developed to obtain spectral information by more wavelengths. Which can achieve wider spectrum coverage and higher spectral resolution in visible-near infrared bands.Subsequently
the exploratory research for data processing of hyperspectral lidar was expounded. It mainly involves two aspects: processing of full-waveform data in multi-bands; geometric correction and radiometric correction. In terms of full-waveform data processing
hyperspectral lidar has better capability of full-waveform decomposition for weak echo bands and low signal-to-noise bands. In terms of geometric correction
the asynchronization caused by full-waveform pulse echo in different bands needs to be solved. And radiometric correction should be mainly focused on the influence of distance
angle of incidence and roughness of the target.In addition
this paper analyzes the potential application of hyperspectral lidar in the field of surveying and mapping
agriculture and forestry. In the field of surveying and mapping
hyperspectral lidar can be widely used for classification of targets and land cover. In the field of agriculture and forestry
hyperspectral lidar can simultaneously obtain the spatial structure and spectral information of vegetation. Thus
it provides a new method for detecting the three-dimensional distribution of vegetation physiological and biochemical characteristics. Finally
we look forward to the challenges for the future development of hyperspectral lidar for earth observation. And the direction for future development is also putted forward: miniaturization
practicality and demonstration applications.
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