机载WIDAS地表观测的BRDF原型反演算法验证 Verification of BRDF archetype inversion algorithm from surface observations of airborne WIDAS
- 2019年23卷第4期 页码:620-629
纸质出版日期: 2019-7 ,
录用日期: 2018-4-11
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20197446
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纸质出版日期: 2019-7 ,
录用日期: 2018-4-11
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何丹丹, 焦子锑, 董亚冬, 张小宁, 张虎, 丁安心. 2019. 机载WIDAS地表观测的BRDF原型反演算法验证. 遥感学报, 23(4): 620–629
He D D, Jiao Z T, Dong Y D, Zhang X N, Zhang H and Ding A X. 2019. Verification of BRDF archetype inversion algorithm from surface observations of airborne WIDAS. Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(4): 620–629
Surface albedo qualifies the proportion of incoming light reflected by the land surface and plays an important role in the earth’s energy budget. In the WATER experiment of Heihe in 2008
we developed an algorithm for estimating the albedo of Wide-angle Infrared Dual-mode line/area Array Scanner (WIDAS) based on the MODIS Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Function (BRDF) archetype-based algorithm for the narrow-angle observations of the airborne WIDAS. However
in the HiWATER experiment in 2012
the WIDAS observation angle range was upgraded from the early 30° to the maximum observation zenith angle of 52°
which impacted the data preprocessing (radiation scaling
atmospheric correction
and multi-angle registration). This condition caused significant noise and created new challenges for the surface albedo inversion of WIDAS. In the current study
we addressed new problems and adopted new surface observation data to verify the ability of the BRDF archetype-based algorithm to retrieve the albedo of WIDAS. To obtain quasi-real-time BRDF prior knowledge
we first extracted five BRDF archetypes as a priori information from 500 m MODIS BRDF parameter product (MCD43A1) within the Heihe experimental region. Then
we applied these BRDF archetypes to airborne WIDAS multi-angular observations for albedo estimates based on the hotspot-corrected linear kernel-driven BRDF model
that is
RossThickChen-LiSparseReciprocal model. Finally
field albedo measurements were conducted to validate the broadband albedo estimates. We compared three commonly used albedo estimate methods
the BRDF archetype-based algorithm that was developed in our previous paper; full-inversion BRDF/albedo algorithm that has been adopted as the operational MODIS BRDF/albedo algorithm; and Lambertian assumption method that is commonly used to estimate surface albedo
especially when only nadir observations are available. The performance of the BRDF archetype-based algorithm was verified by comparison and analysis of the algorithms. Unsurprisingly
the accuracy of the albedo retrievals by using the BRDF archetype-based algorithm was obtained at 0.034
which was 18% and 71% higher than those of the full inversion algorithm and the Lambertian assumption method
respectively. The inversion and verification of the WIDAS demonstrated that the BRDF archetype-based method was noise resistant and obtained stable albedo estimates. Therefore
our previous conclusions were confirmed by using new WIDAS observations. Given the merit of the proposed archetype-based algorithm
we strongly recommend it to the user community
especially for narrow-angle observations that need a priori information for stable retrievals of surface albedo.
remote sensingHeiheMODISWide-angle Infrared Dual-mode line/area Array Scanner (WIDAS)kernel-driven BRDF modelAFXBRDF archetypesurface albedo
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