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ACM '52: Proceedings of the 1952 ACM national meeting (Toronto)
ACM1952 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Toronto Ontario Canada September 8 - 10, 1952
08 September 1952
ACM, University of Toronto

Reflects downloads up to 15 Feb 2025Bibliometrics

No abstract available.

Compiling routines

Since the advent of automatic computation, programmers have devoted much of their time and energy to looking up, adjusting, and transcribing material previously programmed. This has proved a most inefficient method of program preparation. Within the ...

A high speed magnetic-core output printer

In many data processing and scientific computing applications there exists a need for very rapidly converting a mass of coded data, centrally stored, to either immediate visual display or to a permanent form capable of being directly read. At present, ...


The MANIAC is a general purpose, electronic, digital computer which has been designed and constructed at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. The construction period dates from June of 1949 to March of 1952, when the first major problem was run.


Machine aids to coding

Coding for digital computers is a process of translating from one language to another. A problem to be computed might be expressed in algebraic notation of several types or in one of several forms of logical symbolism. This notation or symbolism must be ...

Computer aids to code checking

When a complex routine is tried on a computer for the first time, it is seldom found to be free from error. The trend toward automatic performance of the clerical parts of the coding process should reduce the number of coding errors. This mechanization ...

Input scaling and output scaling a binary calculator

Suppose 1) the input for a problem which is to be solved on a binary calculator is given in decimal form; 2) the programmer desires to specify in his program the scale factors to be applied to intermediate results to keep these results within the ...

The logical design of the Oak Ridge digital computer

The ORACLE (Oak Ridge Automatic Computer and Logical Engine) is a high speed general purpose automatically sequenced computer which is presently in the final stage of assembly and test. In 1950 Argonne National Laboratory, which was then building the ...

Designing a low cost general purpose computer

Since the late war a number of computer projects have been started. Most of them have stressed the construction of large computing centers, staffed by expert programmers and more or less available to the general public as a technical service. There is ...

Errors in iterative solutions of linear systems

An iterative method of solving an equation or system of equations as understood here is defined by a function f such that the sequence Xp+1 = f(Xp) converges to the solution x of the equation or system of equations, at least when xO is sufficiently ...

A numerical solution of the helium wave equation with the SEAC

Gronwall's wave equation for s states of helium has been simplified so that boundary singularities will not interfere with a numerical solution. The corresponding difference equations are written for a coarse net of varying mesh size, and are solved for ...

Matrix inversion by partitioning

There is presently available a large number of techniques purporting to accomplish the inversion of matrices. While the purely mathematical aspects of this problem, on one hand, are thus well recognized, the computational ones, on the other hand, are ...

The testing of cathode ray tubes for use in the Williams type storage system

This paper describes a series of tests which we have used at Manchester for Williams type cathode-ray storage tubes (type VCRX266) The majority of the tests are functional rather than analytical. They have the advantage of indicating immediately whether ...

Logical or non-mathematical programmes

A large part of any mathematical programme is concerned with operations which are not strictly mathematical at all. Examples of this are the input and output routines, the arrangements for calling in various sub-routines when required and, above all, ...

A simplified universal Turing machine

In 1936 Turing (1) defined a class of logical machines (which he called a - machines, but which are now generally called Turing machines) which he used as an aid in proving certain results in mathematical logic, and which should prove of interest in ...

Simple learning by a digital computer

Digital computers can readily be programmed to exhibit modes of behavior which are usually associated only with the nervous systems of living organisms. This paper describes a concrete example of one practical technique by which the Electronic Delay ...

An analysis by arithmetical methods of a calculating network with feedback

At the Wayne University meeting of this Association in the spring of 1951, George W. Patterson presented a paper on Reversing Digit Number Systems. Although these systems can be stated with respect to any base, we will be concerned only with the special ...

Development of computer components and systems

Work has been proceeding at Elliott Brothers Research Laboratories since 1948 on high-speed digital computing and data transmission techniques. The work was originally directed towards one particular special purpose high-speed computing project, ...

Operating efficiencies and characteristics of the computing machines at aberdeen proving ground

The Computing Laboratory of the Ballistic Research Laboratories at Aberdeen Proving Ground has greatly expanded its computing facilities during the past year. The ORDVAC now has taken its place with the EDVAC, ENIAC, and the Bell Relay Computers.

The ...

Installation of a large electronic computer

The Department of the Air Force now owns, operates, and maintains a Univac on premises of its own. The installation in the Pentagon of Univac #2 was formally completed on June 25, 1952. This was the first Univac to leave the factory of the Eckert-...

Ferro electric-materials as storage elements for digital computers and switching systems

The growing need for improved types of data storage systems in both the digital computer and telephone switching fields has led to the investigation of ferroelectric materials as memory devices. Among the objectives in developing these devices have been ...

An electronic analogue machine for computing equations of degrees through the roots of algebraic the eighth

A computer for obtaining the roots of polynomials was described. This roots are displayed on a cathode-ray tube screen, and high accuracy is maintained by having a pilot root which can be moved into co-incidence with each root in turn.

Use of continued fractions in high-speed computing

Three numerical methods for evaluating continued fractions are discussed. An Arithmetic example is given for each method. A comparison is made of the speed of convergence of power series expansions and continued fraction expansions for several ...

Interpretative sub-routines

The subject of this talk is interpretative programming. An interpretative programme (or routine, i.e. part of a programme) is one formulated in a special code, usually quite different from the normal code of the machine with which it is used.

The use of sub-routines on SEAC for numerical integrations of differential equations and for gaussian quadrature

The preparation of subroutines for numerical integration of differential equations, and for numerical quadrature involves problems not encountered in connection with the present standard subroutines on SEAC, which are used mainly for evaluating simple ...

Symbolic synthesis of digital computers

In an ideal sense a binary digital computer or what might be called more generally a Boolean* machine is an automatic operational filing system. It is a machine which accepts information automatically in the form of words constructed from an alphabet of ...

A description of the electronic computer at the institute for advanced studies

In June, 1946 John von Neumann, Herman H. Goldstine, and Arthur W. Burks set forth logical principles on the basis of which they proposed to construct a general purpose computing machine at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.


Williams tubes selection program

Probably the most critical component in the Williams Memory System is the storage tube itself. It was originally supposed that ordinary cathode ray tubes, designed for use in oscilloscopes, would suffice for the storage element in this type of ...

The numerical solution of a partial differential equation on the IBM type 701 electronic data processing machines

In 1927 Thomas1, and in 1928 Fermi2, obtained a partial differential equation now known as the Thomas - Fermi equation. From the solution of this equation with suitable boundary conditions may be obtained the charge and energy distribution of electrons ...

Pure and applied programming

It is possible to discuss the technique of writing programmes without reference to particular problems, in the same way as it is possible to discuss, for example, the solution of differential equations without reference to particular examples. This ...

Chebyshev polynomials in the solution of large-scale linear systems

An easily coded iterative routine is described which approximates the solution of a wide class of simultaneous linear algebraic equations by a succession of simple matrix multiplications.

The problem of finding the solution of the matrix equation

  • Nokia Bell Labs

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the 1952 ACM national meeting (Toronto)
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