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SIGCOMM '01: Proceedings of the 2001 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications
ACM2001 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
SIGCOMM01: Annual ACM SIGCOMM Conference San Diego California USA
27 August 2001


No abstract available.

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Hash-based IP traceback

The design of the IP protocol makes it difficult to reliably identify the originator of an IP packet. Even in the absence of any deliberate attempt to disguise a packet's origin, wide-spread packet forwarding techniques such as NAT and encapsulation may ...

On the effectiveness of route-based packet filtering for distributed DoS attack prevention in power-law internets

Denial of service (DoS) attack on the Internet has become a pressing problem. In this paper, we describe and evaluate route-based distributed packet filtering (DPF), a novel approach to distributed DoS (DDoS) attack prevention. We show that DPF achieves ...

Reliable group rekeying: a performance analysis

In secure group communications, users of a group share a common group key. A key server sends the group key to authorized new users as well as performs group rekeying for group users whenever the key changes. In this paper, we investigate scalability ...

Aging through cascaded caches: performance issues in the distribution of web content

The Web is a distributed system, where data is stored and disseminated from both origin servers and caches. Origin servers provide the most up-to-date copy whereas caches store and serve copies that had been cached for a while. Origin servers do not ...

Enabling conferencing applications on the internet using an overlay muilticast architecture

In response to the serious scalability and deployment concerns with IP Multicast, we and other researchers have advocated an alternate architecture for supporting group communication applications over the Internet where all multicast functionality is ...

IPNL: A NAT-extended internet architecture

This paper presents and analyzes IPNL (for IP Next Layer), a NAT-extended Internet protocol architecture designed to scalably solve the address depletion problem of IPv4. A NAT-extended architecture is one where only hosts and NAT boxes are modified. ...

On the impact of policing and rate guarantees in DiffServ networks: a video streaming application perspective

Over the past few years, there have been a number of proposals aimed at introducing different levels of service in the Internet. One of the more recent proposals is the Differentiated Services (Diff-Serv) architecture, and in this paper we explore how ...

Scalable on-demand media streaming with packet loss recovery

Inspired by recent techniques for reliable bulk data distribution, this paper develops scalable protocols for reliable on-demand delivery of streaming media. Models are developed that quantify the best possible scalability for given client ...

Statistical bandwidth sharing: a study of congestion at flow level

In this paper we study the statistics of the realized throughput of elastic document transfers, accounting for the way network bandwidth is shared dynamically between the randomly varying number of concurrent flows. We first discuss the way TCP realizes ...

Analysis and design of an adaptive virtual queue (AVQ) algorithm for active queue management

Virtual Queue-based marking schemes have been recently proposed for AQM (Active Queue Management) in Internet routers. We consider a particular scheme, which we call the Adaptive Virtual Queue (AVQ), and study its following properties: stability in the ...

Algorithms for provisioning virtual private networks in the hose model

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) provide customers with predictable and secure network connections over a shared network. The recently proposed hose model for VPNs allows for greater flexibility since it permits traffic to and from a hose endpoint to be ...

Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications

A fundamental problem that confronts peer-to-peer applications is to efficiently locate the node that stores a particular data item. This paper presents Chord, a distributed lookup protocol that addresses this problem. Chord provides support for just ...

A scalable content-addressable network

Hash tables - which map "keys" onto "values" - are an essential building block in modern software systems. We believe a similar functionality would be equally valuable to large distributed systems. In this paper, we introduce the concept of a Content-...

An investigation of geographic mapping techniques for internet hosts

In this paper, we ask whether it is possible to build an IP address to geographic location mapping service for Internet hosts. Such a service would enable a large and interesting class of location-aware applications. This is a challenging problem ...

Fair queuing for aggregated multiple links

Provisioning of a shared server with guarantees is an important scheduling task that has led to significant work in a number of areas including link scheduling. Fair Queuing algorithms provide a method for proportionally sharing a single server among ...

Scalable packet classification

Packet classification is important for applications such as firewalls, intrusion detection, and differentiated services. Existing algorithms for packet classification reported in the literature scale poorly in either time or space as filter databases ...

SRR: An O(1) time complexity packet scheduler for flows in multi-service packet networks

In this paper, we present a novel fair queueing scheme, which we call Smoothed Round Robin (SRR). Ordinary round robin schedulers are well known for their burstiness in the scheduling output. In order to overcome this problem, SRR codes the weights of ...

Stability issues in OSPF routing

We study the stability of the OSPF protocol under steady state and perturbed conditions. We look at three indicators of stability, namely, (a) network convergence times, (b) routing load on processors, and (c) the number of route flaps. We study these ...

Topology discovery for large ethernet networks

Accurate network topology information is important for both network management and application performance prediction. Most topology discovery research has focused on wide-area networks and examined topology only at the IP router level, ignoring the ...

Hop by hop multicast routing protocol

IP Multicast is facing a slow take-off although it is a hotly debated topic since more than a decade. Many reasons are responsible for this status. Hence, the Internet is likely to be organized with both unicast and multicast enabled networks. Thus, it ...

Dynamic behavior of slowly-responsive congestion control algorithms

The recently developed notion of TCP-compatibility has led to a number of proposals for alternative congestion control algorithms whose long-term throughput as a function of a steady-state loss rate is similar to that of TCP. Motivated by the needs of ...

Extending equation-based congestion control to multicast applications

In this paper we introduce TFMCC, an equation-based multicast congestion control mechanism that extends the TCP-friendly TFRC protocol from the unicast to the multicast domain. The key challenges in the design of TFMCC lie in scalable round-trip time ...

On inferring TCP behavior

Most of the traffic in today's Internet is controlled by the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Hence, the performance of TCP has a significant impact on the performance of the overall Internet. TCP is a complex protocol with many user-configurable ...

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
  • University of California, Los Angeles
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Acceptance Rates

SIGCOMM '01 Paper Acceptance Rate 23 of 252 submissions, 9%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 462 of 3,389 submissions, 14%
SIGCOMM '162313917%
SIGCOMM '152424017%
SIGCOMM '142424519%
SIGCOMM '132463815%
SIGCOMM '112233214%
SIGCOMM '033193411%
SIGCOMM '02300258%
SIGCOMM '01252239%
SIGCOMM '002382611%
SIGCOMM '991902413%
SIGCOMM '982472611%
SIGCOMM '972132411%
SIGCOMM '961622717%
SIGCOMM '951433021%
SIGCOMM '941412921%