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Teal: Learning-Accelerated Optimization of WAN Traffic Engineering

Published: 01 September 2023 Publication History


The rapid expansion of global cloud wide-area networks (WANs) has posed a challenge for commercial optimization engines to efficiently solve network traffic engineering (TE) problems at scale. Existing acceleration strategies decompose TE optimization into concurrent subproblems but realize limited parallelism due to an inherent tradeoff between run time and allocation performance.
We present Teal, a learning-based TE algorithm that leverages the parallel processing power of GPUs to accelerate TE control. First, Teal designs a flow-centric graph neural network (GNN) to capture WAN connectivity and network flows, learning flow features as inputs to downstream allocation. Second, to reduce the problem scale and make learning tractable, Teal employs a multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm to independently allocate each traffic demand while optimizing a central TE objective. Finally, Teal fine-tunes allocations with ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers), a highly parallelizable optimization algorithm for reducing constraint violations such as overutilized links.
We evaluate Teal using traffic matrices from Microsoft's WAN. On a large WAN topology with >1,700 nodes, Teal generates near-optimal flow allocations while running several orders of magnitude faster than the production optimization engine. Compared with other TE acceleration schemes, Teal satisfies 6--32% more traffic demand and yields 197--625× speedups.


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  1. Teal: Learning-Accelerated Optimization of WAN Traffic Engineering



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      ACM SIGCOMM '23: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2023 Conference
      September 2023
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      Published: 01 September 2023


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      1. traffic engineering
      2. wide-area networks
      3. network optimization
      4. machine learning


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      ACM SIGCOMM '23: ACM SIGCOMM 2023 Conference
      September 10, 2023
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