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SCORE: A Novel Scheme to Efficiently Cache Overlong ECCs in NAND Flash Memory

Published: 19 December 2018 Publication History


Technology scaling and program/erase cycling result in an increasing bit error rate in NAND flash storage. Some solid state drives (SSDs) adopt overlong error correction codes (ECCs), whose redundancy size exceeds the spare area limit of flash pages, to protect user data for improved reliability and lifetime. However, the read performance is significantly degraded, because a logical data page and its ECC redundancy are stored in two flash pages. In this article, we find that caching ECCs has a large potential to reduce flash reads by achieving higher hit rates, compared to caching data. Then, we propose a novel <underline>s</underline>cheme to efficiently <underline>c</underline>ache <underline>o</underline>ve<underline>r</underline>long <underline>E</underline>CCs, called SCORE, to improve the SSD performance. Exceeding ECC redundancy (called ECC residues) of logically consecutive data pages are grouped into ECC pages. SCORE partitions RAM to cache both data pages and ECC pages in a workload-adaptive manner. Finally, we verify SCORE using extensive trace-driven simulations. The results show that SCORE obtains high ECC hit rates without sacrificing data hit rates, thus improving the read performance by an average of 22% under various workloads, compared to the state-of-the-art schemes.


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ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization  Volume 15, Issue 4
December 2018
706 pages
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Publication History

Published: 19 December 2018
Accepted: 01 November 2018
Revised: 01 October 2018
Received: 01 June 2018
Published in TACO Volume 15, Issue 4


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  1. Solid state drive
  2. cache partitioning
  3. overlong ECC


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  • U.S. National Science Foundation
  • Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
  • Shenzhen Basic Research Project
  • Wuhan Science and Technology Project
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • 111 Project
  • Key Laboratory of Data Storage System, Ministry of Education


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