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10.1145/2600428.2609542acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesirConference Proceedingsconference-collections

What makes data robust: a data analysis in learning to rank

Published: 03 July 2014 Publication History


When applying learning to rank algorithms in real search applications, noise in human labeled training data becomes an inevitable problem which will affect the performance of the algorithms. Previous work mainly focused on studying how noise affects ranking algorithms and how to design robust ranking algorithms. In our work, we investigate what inherent characteristics make training data robust to label noise. The motivation of our work comes from an interesting observation that a same ranking algorithm may show very different sensitivities to label noise over different data sets. We thus investigate the underlying reason for this observation based on two typical kinds of learning to rank algorithms (i.e.~pairwise and listwise methods) and three different public data sets (i.e.~OHSUMED, TD2003 and MSLR-WEB10K). We find that when label noise increases in training data, it is the \emph{document pair noise ratio} (i.e.~\emph{pNoise}) rather than \emph{document noise ratio} (i.e.~\emph{dNoise}) that can well explain the performance degradation of a ranking algorithm.


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  • (2017)Learning to rank using multiple loss functionsInternational Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics10.1007/s13042-017-0730-4Online publication date: 12-Oct-2017
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    cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGIR '14: Proceedings of the 37th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research & development in information retrieval
    July 2014
    1330 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 03 July 2014


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    Author Tags

    1. label noise
    2. learning to rank
    3. robust data


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    • (2022)Context-aware ranking refinement with attentive semi-supervised autoencodersSoft Computing10.1007/s00500-022-07433-w26:24(13941-13952)Online publication date: 25-Aug-2022
    • (2018)Learning to Rank with Deep Autoencoder Features2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)10.1109/IJCNN.2018.8489646(1-8)Online publication date: Jul-2018
    • (2017)Learning to rank using multiple loss functionsInternational Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics10.1007/s13042-017-0730-4Online publication date: 12-Oct-2017
    • (2016)From Tf-Idf to Learning-to-RankBusiness Intelligence10.4018/978-1-4666-9562-7.ch063(1245-1292)Online publication date: 2016
    • (2016)From Tf-Idf to Learning-to-RankHandbook of Research on Innovations in Information Retrieval, Analysis, and Management10.4018/978-1-4666-8833-9.ch003(62-109)Online publication date: 2016
    • (2015)A Unified Posterior Regularized Topic Model with Maximum Margin for Learning-to-RankProceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management10.1145/2806416.2806482(103-112)Online publication date: 17-Oct-2015
    • (2015)Supervised topic models with word order structure for document classification and retrieval learningInformation Retrieval Journal10.1007/s10791-015-9254-218:4(283-330)Online publication date: 4-Jun-2015

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