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Maps are all around us and more and more people rely on them every day. We use them on the web, on mobile devices, on navigation systems, in analysis and planning tools, for information visualization, or in gaming. Whatever they are used for, it is often not only about just displaying static geo-information, but also about finding, accessing, adding, or editing geo-information. We want to inspect relationships between entities, navigate through large result sets, and identify potential solutions for specific problems. In order to do this, we need to express our goals and needs in such a way that the computer can select the right algorithms and data to provide the answers we seek. Surprisingly, working with maps is often quite awkward. Even simple queries can require many steps of interaction, and the formulation of complex queries may necessitate learning dedicated query languages. This is all the more surprising if we consider that we know more about users, their context, and the task they try to achieve than ever before.
With MapInteract 2014 we want to continue to explore the future of maps as fully interactive interfaces. The program we have assembled thus covers several key areas of relevance: perceptual and cognitive aspects, interacting with geo-visualizations, and algorithms for interactive maps. The topics of the selected contributions range from new ways of sketches routes and presenting instructions, algorithmic approaches for labelling maps, to interactive exploration and visualization tool and frameworks. In addition to examining the theoretical background and discussing experiences gathered in user studies, the workshop also incorporates a demo session so that participants can get first-hand experiences with some of the proposed methods and approaches. By combining theoretical and practical aspects from different perspectives and backgrounds into a one-day event, we hope to contribute towards sketching a research agenda and foster new collaborations for shaping the future of truly interactive maps.
Proceeding Downloads
A practical approach to generating route sketches
Online mapping and navigation services are a corner stone of the World Wide Web. While automatically generated car directions have gone from static data to user-specific customizations, automatically generated route guidance has stayed very much the ...
Navigation using special buildings as signposts
Navigation has been greatly improved by positioning systems, but visualization still relies on maps. Yet because they only represent an abstract street network, maps are sometimes difficult to read. Conversely, Tourist Maps, which are enriched with ...
Labeling circular focus regions based on a tractable case of maximum weight independent set of rectangles
We introduce a new model for labeling point features in a circular focus region that a user can define in a map. In this model, each label is an axis-aligned rectangle that touches the boundary of the focus region with one of its corners. A straight-...
Matching labels and markers in historical maps: an algorithm with interactive postprocessing
In this paper we present an algorithmic system for determining the proper correspondence between place markers and their labels in historical maps. We assume that the locations of place markers (usually pictographs) and labels (pieces of text) have ...
Interactively exploring geotemporal relationships in demographic data via stretch projections
This paper investigates the interactive projection of multivariate space-time data. Specifically, it investigates how complex datasets containing elements situated in space and time that include additional variables can be interactively explored to ...
An exploratory visualization tool for mapping the relationships between animal movement and the environment
Movement ecologists and environmental scientists are increasingly utilizing large volumes of spatiotemporal data collected from animal tracking and remote sensing of the environment to explore the environmental drivers of animal movements and long ...
An interaction framework for level-of-abstraction visualization of 3D geovirtual environments
3D geovirtual environments constitute effective media for the analysis and communication of complex geospatial data. Today, these environments are often visualized using static graphical variants (e.g., 2D maps, 3D photorealistic) from which a user is ...
IWGS 2016 workshop report: The 7th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming: San Francisco, CA, USA - October 31, 2016
The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geostreaming (IWGS) was held for the seventh time in conjunction with the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACMGIS 2016). The workshop has been a ...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
MapInteract '13 | 20 | 17 | 85% |
Overall | 20 | 17 | 85% |