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10.1145/2578726.2578788acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicmrConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Indexing Vectors of Locally Aggregated Descriptors Using Inverted Files

Published: 01 April 2014 Publication History


Vector of locally aggregated descriptors (VLAD) is a promising approach for addressing the problem of image search on a very large scale. This representation is proposed to overcome the quantization error problem faced in Bag-of-Words (BoW) representation. In this paper, we propose to enable inverted files of standard text search engines to exploit VLAD representation to deal with large-scale image search scenarios. We show that the use of inverted files with VLAD significantly outperforms BoW in terms of efficiency and effectiveness on the same hardware and software infrastructure.


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ICMR '14: Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
April 2014
564 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2014


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  1. image classification
  2. landmarks recognition
  3. local features


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ICMR '14
ICMR '14: International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
April 1 - 4, 2014
Glasgow, United Kingdom

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Overall Acceptance Rate 254 of 830 submissions, 31%


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