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View all- Peng BWu LMartí RMa J(2024)A fast path relinking algorithm for the min–max edge crossing problemComputers & Operations Research10.1016/j.cor.2024.106603(106603)Online publication date: Mar-2024
In this article, we consider the rectilinear crossing minimization problem, i.e., we seek a straight-line drawing Γ of a graph G=(V,E) with a small number of edge crossings. Crossing minimization is an active field of research [1, 10]. While there is a ...
An upward drawing of a DAG G is a drawing of G in which all arcs are drawn as curves increasing monotonically in the vertical direction. In this article, we present a new approach for upward crossing minimization, that is, finding an upward drawing of a ...
Given a bipartite graph G = ( L 0 , L 1 , E ) and a fixed ordering of the nodes in L 0 , the problem of finding an ordering of the nodes in L 1 that minimizes the number of crossings has received much attention in literature. The problem is NP-complete ...
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