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10.1145/1629575.1629594acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessospConference Proceedingsconference-collections

ODR: output-deterministic replay for multicore debugging

Published: 11 October 2009 Publication History


Reproducing bugs is hard. Deterministic replay systems address this problem by providing a high-fidelity replica of an original program run that can be repeatedly executed to zero-in on bugs. Unfortunately, existing replay systems for multiprocessor programs fall short. These systems either incur high overheads, rely on non-standard multiprocessor hardware, or fail to reliably reproduce executions. Their primary stumbling block is data races -- a source of nondeterminism that must be captured if executions are to be faithfully reproduced.
In this paper, we present ODR--a software-only replay system that reproduces bugs and provides low-overhead multiprocessor recording. The key observation behind ODR is that, for debugging purposes, a replay system does not need to generate a high-fidelity replica of the original execution. Instead, it suffices to produce any execution that exhibits the same outputs as the original. Guided by this observation, ODR relaxes its fidelity guarantees to avoid the problem of reproducing data-races altogether. The result is a system that replays real multiprocessor applications, such as Apache, MySQL, and the Java Virtual Machine, and provides low record-mode overhead.


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SOSP '09: Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd symposium on Operating systems principles
October 2009
346 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 11 October 2009


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  2. deterministic replay
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