On behalf of the WWW2007 Program Committee, we are delighted to welcome you to WWW2007, the 16th conference in the World Wide Web conference series.
The number of submissions to the refereed papers track and their quality has grown over the years. This year we had a record 755 submissions, of which we accepted 111 papers (a 14.7% acceptance rate). In response to the growing interest from the research community, we added a fourth day to the refereed papers track program, which allowed us to accept approximately 20% more papers than previous years. Despite this increase, many good papers had to be turned away. The refereed papers track consists of thirteen research areas. This year, we introduced two new tracks -- Web Services and XML and Web Data, which were formed by splitting the old "XML and Web Services" track into two new tracks. We also eliminated the "Alternate papers tracks" by folding those research areas into the regular refereed paper tracks. Thus, Technology for Developing Regions and Industrial Practice and Experience were regular refereed paper tracks this year and submissions were subjected to the same process as other tracks. We are pleased to report that both sets of changes were successful--the new tracks drew a healthy number of submissions and the quality of submissions to the new and the former alternate tracks were comparable to the other tracks. The table below summarizes the number of submissions and the number of accepted papers in each track.
All papers underwent a rigorous review process by the technical program committee---each paper was reviewed by at least three reviewers, followed by an online discussion phase to reconcile conflicting opinions. Candidate accept, borderline and controversial papers were discussed at length at a two day program committee meeting, which was attended by all track and deputy chairs. Some track chairs attended the meeting via audio conferencing from a satellite California site. We are pleased with the final outcome and present to you a technical program comprising 111 papers, all of which are of the highest standard.
Cited By
Lara Machado P, van de Ven M, Aysolmaz B, Athanasopoulou A, Ozkan B and Turetken O (2023). Methods that bridge business models and business processes: a synthesis of the literature, Business Process Management Journal, 10.1108/BPMJ-08-2022-0396, 29:8, (48-74)
- Shi M, Zhao J, Wu D and Ning X (2023). Convolutional Neural Network Knowledge Graph Link Prediction Model Based on Relational Memory, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2023, Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023.
König A, Schmidt C, Kindermann B, Schmidt M and Flatten T (2022). How individuals learn to do more with less: The role of informal learning and the effects of higher-level education and unemployment in Ghana, Africa Journal of Management, 10.1080/23322373.2022.2039051, 8:2, (194-217), Online publication date: 3-Apr-2022.
- Kifer M and Liu Y (2018). Declarative Logic Programming, 10.1145/3191315, Online publication date: 1-Sep-2018.
Butler R and Butler M (2018). Some password users are more equal than others: Towards customisation of online security initiatives, SA Journal of Information Management, 10.4102/sajim.v20i1.920, 20:1
- Chatterjee R, Woodage J, Pnueli Y, Chowdhury A and Ristenpart T The TypTop System Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, (329-346)
(2016). On the Use of Abstract Models for RDF/S Provenance Linked Data Management, 10.1201/b16859-26, (419-440)
Senekal B (2015). Quantifying and applying modularity in the Afrikaans film industry (1994–2014) as a complex network, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 10.4102/satnt.v34i1.1305, 34:1
Butler R and Butler M (2015). The password practices applied by South African online consumers: Perception versus reality, SA Journal of Information Management, 10.4102/sajim.v17i1.638, 17:1
Kar A (2014). Integrating websites with social media – An approach for group decision support, Journal of Decision Systems, 10.1080/12460125.2015.969585, 24:3, (339-353), Online publication date: 3-Jul-2015.
- Zhang Q, Ma H, Qian W and Zhou A Duplicate Detection for Identifying Social Spam in Microblogs Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, (141-148)
Gehrke J (2012). Quo vadis , data privacy? , Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2012.06630.x, 1260:1, (45-54), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2012.
- Shokouhi M and Si L (2011). Federated Search, Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval, 5:1, (1-102), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2011.
White R and Roth R (2009). Exploratory Search: Beyond the Query-Response Paradigm, Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services, 10.2200/S00174ED1V01Y200901ICR003, 1:1, (1-98), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2009.
LETIA I and MARGINEAN A (2008). Client Provider Collaboration for Service Bundling, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 10.4316/aece.2008.01007, 8:1, (36-43),
Gruber T Collective Knowledge Systems: Where the Social Web Meets the Semantic Web, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.3199378
Contreras J Confronting the Crisis in Scientific Publishing: Latency, Licensing and Access, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.2015885
Abrell J Private Transport and the European Emission Trading System: Revenue Recycling, Public Transport Subsidies, and Congestion Effects, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.1844300
Blackwell C, Sheldon S and Lansbury D Beach Re-Nourishment and Property Value Growth: The Case of Folly Beach, South Carolina, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.1760018
Vollmann M Social Entrepreneurship in Germany, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.1162734
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
WWW '18 | 1,155 | 170 | 15% |
WWW '17 | 966 | 164 | 17% |
WWW '17 Companion | 966 | 164 | 17% |
WWW '16 | 727 | 115 | 16% |
WWW '16 Companion | 727 | 115 | 16% |
WWW '15 | 929 | 131 | 14% |
WWW '14 | 645 | 84 | 13% |
WWW '13 Companion | 1,250 | 831 | 66% |
WWW '13 | 831 | 125 | 15% |
Overall | 8,196 | 1,899 | 23% |