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Exploring User Defined Gestures for Ear-Based Interactions

Published: 04 November 2020 Publication History


The human ear is highly sensitive and accessible, making it especially suitable for being used as an interface for interacting with smart earpieces or augmented glasses. However, previous works on ear-based input mainly address gesture sensing technology and researcher-designed gestures. This paper aims to bring more understandings of gesture design. Thus, for a user elicitation study, we recruited 28 participants, each of whom designed gestures for 31 smart device-related tasks. This resulted in a total of 868 gestures generated. Upon the basis of these gestures, we compiled a taxonomy and concluded the considerations underlying the participants' designs that also offer insights into their design rationales and preferences. Thereafter, based on these study results, we propose a set of user-defined gestures and share interesting findings. We hope this work can shed some light on not only sensing technologies of ear-based input, but also the interface design of future wearable interfaces.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 4, Issue ISS
November 2020
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