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How Can Automatic Feedback Help Students Construct Automata?

Published: 10 March 2015 Publication History


In computer-aided education, the goal of automatic feedback is to provide a meaningful explanation of students' mistakes. We focus on providing feedback for constructing a deterministic finite automaton that accepts strings that match a described pattern. Natural choices for feedback are binary feedback (correct/wrong) and a counterexample of a string that is processed incorrectly. Such feedback is easy to compute but might not provide the student enough help. Our first contribution is a novel way to automatically compute alternative conceptual hints. Our second contribution is a rigorous evaluation of feedback with 377 students. We find that providing either counterexamples or hints is judged as helpful, increases student perseverance, and can improve problem completion time. However, both strategies have particular strengths and weaknesses. Since our feedback is completely automatic, it can be deployed at scale and integrated into existing massive open online courses.

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Franz J Kurfess

Student learning for concepts like automata and formal languages can be a challenge. Students often fail to see the relevance to more practical aspects, and the feedback they receive on lab exercises or homework assignments typically occurs with significant delays, and may offer little meaningful information. From an instructor's or grader's perspective, assessing large numbers of similar exercises quickly becomes tedious. In an attempt to provide real-time, meaningful feedback, the authors developed an automatic assessment system for deterministic finite automata. It provides instant, personalized feedback, allowing students to incrementally work on a problem until they find a correct solution. In addition to binary (correct/incorrect) and counterexamples reported in related work, the authors construct hints for students with suggestions for strategies to improve their current solution. The system was tested at several universities with hundreds of students in classes on theoretical computer science. While the evaluation emphasis was more on a comparison of the different types of feedback, in comparison with similar exercises by students from earlier classes not using any such tools, there was significant improvement in the student scores. Binary feedback was helpful, but less so than the other two types, both according to differences in scores, attempts, and time needed to find a correct solution and to student feedback. Preferences between hints and counterexamples were fairly evenly divided among students, and empirical results also were not conclusive. Considering that it is fairly easy to incorporate such a tool into a class as an additional resource or replacement for some graded exercises, it is not surprising that it has been adopted by a significant number of instructors at various institutions. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction  Volume 22, Issue 2
Special Issue on Online Learning at Scale
April 2015
133 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 10 March 2015
Accepted: 01 January 2015
Revised: 01 November 2014
Received: 01 May 2014
Published in TOCHI Volume 22, Issue 2


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  1. A/B study
  2. Autograding
  3. automata
  4. feedback


  • Research-article
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  • Refereed

Funding Sources

  • NSF Expeditions in Computing


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